Intruders 3

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"I've been here for the past six hundred years. Things weren't as severe as now." Elder Lima nods. "I'm surprised you've lived here for six hundred years. Where did that righteousness of yours go? The old 'I'll stick by my Kingdom even if they're in the wrong'?" Elder Ronin chuckled and grabbed his shoulder, taking him to the second highest place in the valley. "My righteousness is right here. Do you see the valley here? These people are innocent in this war the Wolves are cooking up to regain the Supreme Reign." Elder Lima scoffed, "Innocent? This war started because of hybrids. If they'd known their place..."

"Lima, you are wrong. Do you think you will have things good? Let me tell you, do you know why you can't find any hybrids outside this forest anymore? Because they are all here! When wolves were persecuting hybrids and anyone mated to someone outside their race! What were you doing?! The Elf Kingdom even threw out the ones they could find! Tell me! Aren't you the ones who helped to start this war? The ones who added wood to an already raging fire?! That boy down there! His mother is an elf and he watched as your people threw his mother out because she was mated to a demon. While they were on the run, his parents nearly died trying to protect him!" The boy Elder Ronin pointed at was Henry, who was walking away from John at that time.

Elder Ronin was upset, so upset that once he started he didn't stop. Everyone in the valley heard his words. "If Bia hadn't saved them, personally healed them, brought them back here by herself! What would've happened? This was something that repeatedly, repeatedly and repeatedly happened. Sometimes Bia came back with terrible injures after rescuing others, injures that most wouldn't recover from and even if they did, they wouldn't want to do such a dangerous thing again!" Those that went through it personally, couldn't help but to think about the times that they were saved by Bia. Most were on their last breath before Bia managed to find them.

"That was her own choice. Just as we chose to throw them out for the best of the entire Kingdom. Don't start to lecture me, Elder Ronin." Elder Ronin scoffed, "Look where that has landed you. The wolves attacked your Kingdom first." He then turned and left. Bia chuckled and looked away from the scene, "Rekka." Rekka bowed. "Mistress , what are your instructions?" Opal helped Bia sit down before stepping to the side , "What do you think of Dana?" Rekka seemed taken aback by the question. "Her skills can be improved, then again no one can play like you can Mistress." Bia reach out and plucked the string with a sigh. "You are only dense in this sort of situation. Nevermind that , we shall be making our move soon but before that get rid of the troublemakers. They're an eyesore."

Opia suppressed her laughter, "Mistress. You can't see their faces and call them an eye sore?" Bia smiled and began playing the Zither, "You're right Opia. Such people are not worthy of being in my village. Kill them all. Have Reina explain why they are killed. Even though everyone will understand." Rekka bowed and left. "It serves them right Mistress , they shouldn't have done such deeds." Bia continued to play the song and the climax hit just as the heavy scent of blood hung over the valley. With the next strum of the strings , the scent was gone and a warm feeling came over everyone in the valley washing away the scent of blood.

Placing her hands on the strings as she was finished, Bia sighed. "I don't claim to know everything but I do know our time has finally come." Opal and Opia went to their knees, "May you have success Mistress." Bia waved her hand, "Stand up. You know I dislike that sort of thing." The sisters said nothing but stood up as Pino returned. "Mistress, there's news. The Demon King is looking for you. He claims to be your mate." Opal hands Bia a cup of tea, "Looking for Bia? Or for the Supreme Princess?" Both were titles but it really made a difference. "Bia" Pino reply and Bia paused for a moment.

"Where is he?" Opia asked curiously, " Five days ride away. In the middle of the no man's land." The no man's land is one of the many places to rest when on a long commute via carriage. The name speaks for itself, the one Pino spoke of was between the Elves and the Forbidden Area. This forest and valley is well hidden, they won't be able to find it. "There's something wrong as well. The Wolves have caught wind of this. The Wolf General stationed at the Elf Kingdom sent someone to kill the Demon King." Reina happened to hear this last piece and became excited, "The Demon King fighting? Bia, let's go and take a look!"

Reina grabbed Bia's hand, "This Demon King is young but very very handsome and very good at fighting. There's nothing wrong with going to take a look." Rekka bowed in greeting, "Mistress , it's almost time for us to make a move anyway." They were all trying to get Bia to agree even though it was clear that she didn't want to. However Rekka's words were indeed correct. They were soon about to leave and in that direction no less, so seeing the Demon King in passing isn't something hard to do. Except Rekka everyone left to get ready.

Bia stood at the cliff silent for a while. "Seeing him again will not do either of us any good." Rekka bowed his head in guilt. "Don't feel bad, what you said wasn't wrong. The next part of our plan is commencing, it's indeed time to leave." Bia sighed, "I'm tired" Rekka looks at his Mistress walking down stairs to her house, he knew that she was indeed tired. Rekka had been with Bia for almost as long as Reina had. He was but a child when the two stumbled into the Forbidden Area. It was rare to see anyone come in the forest so they caught the attention of all the beasts in the area.

"Rekka" Dana called out to him, "What is it?" Rekka didn't look in her direction when he answered. Dana but her lip in contemplation, "You're not even going to look at me? Was it that bad?" Rekka turned to her, his yellow eyes glaring. Dana stepped back in fright. "You did such a thing to me and except me to be thankful?" His words were filled with anger, Rekka had to control himself or he would've slapped her. "Rekka , Dana. Come here." Upon hearing Bia's voice in the wind , they walked down to her house.

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