Kneeling For Forgiveness

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The strong smell of blood was stagnant in the air after the whipping. It was private, Bia didn't want others to see Reina being punished but they knew. The heavy stench of blood made one choke just by breathing. The rain fell two days after. It came down heavily, as if the heavens were cracked open and pouring out a lake. Bia locked herself in her courtyard, the only person who saw her was Erebus. A barrier was set up over the entire courtyard, not even Aceso and Diablo could enter. They couldn't see inside the courtyard either, it was as if no one lived there.

Erebus sat on the bed, stroking Bia's hair as her head was on his lap. She couldn't help falling asleep when she curled up against him. Her complexion now ghastly pale. It's been a month since the rain started, they haven't left the courtyard since they returned from the palace that day. A cold hand touched his, which brought him out of his thoughts. Bia shifted her body before sitting up, her once vibrant multicolored eyes were now dimmed considerably. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Do you want something to eat?" Erebus focused his attention on her immediately, anxious. She smiled at him, "I'm fine." He nodded, "Then why don't you get some more rest? I'll get lunch by the time you've woken up again."

Bia shook her head, "There's no need. The rain won't let up until tomorrow. I'm not hungry." Erebus caressed her cheek and kisses her forehead, "You promised me that you won't leave again." Bia's smile widened a bit, "I'm not leaving. But you should know that I'm not what I used to be." Erebus chuckled lightly, "Then I'll wait. Wait until whenever you return to me again." A tear dropped from his eye unto her cheek, which mixed with her own tears. "Of course you have to wait. If not, I'll kill you myself." She joked in an attempt to lighten the situation.

"Do you want to go into the palace tomorrow?" Bia wiped her face, "It'll be better to go today. Under the guise of the rain." Erebus nodded and stood from the bed in order to get Bia and himself ready to enter the Palace. Soon enough, the two left the manor quietly with Yul and Filmos. Erebus was surprised she decided to take Filmos instead of Rekka with her but then he understood when she told him, "Filmos is more connected to me then Rekka, if I took Rekka instead he would still follow."

In the plain carriage, Bia leaned against Erebus to get warmth. She was wrapped in a thick black winter coat and held a hand warmer but she still felt a slight chill. Erebus held her against his body. With the streets empty, they arrived at the palace gates where they were stopped. "State your business in the palace." The guard didn't recognize the carriage, Yul showed his face. "Pretend we're are others. This visit is low-key." The guard bowed towards the carriage, of course he knew who Yul served therefore he followed the orders that he was given. The gates opened and the carriage entered carefully. Filmos parked the carriage close to the steps and opened the umbrella while waiting for Bia to come out.

Erebus stepped out first and took the umbrella that Yul opened for him then turned to help Bia out. Bia took his hand and Filmos immediately started to shade his Mistress from the rain. They walked up the steps as quickly as possible to get Bia out of the cold. Filmos and Yul closed the umbrellas once they got to the top of the stairs. Seeing as it was still cold, Bia didn't take down her hood and walked through the Palace with Erebus quietly. Maids that saw them couldn't help but to start whispering. "That woman doesn't look to be the Princess. Don't tell me..." They didn't get to finish their sentences when Filmos looked in their direction. The three maids crumbled into dust.

Elder Haclin and Elder Ronin were sitting in his study playing chess when the two walked in. Elder Ronin stood and bowed, "Mistress." He looked up and saw her deathly pale complexion , just as he was about to open his mouth Bia raised her hand slightly. Elder Haclin bowed his head once again and left the room immediately. "Great Grandfather." Elder Haclin smiled, "You've finally come to see this old man." Erebus took the coat off of her before she sat. "Hmm. Have you missed me?" He gave her a once over, "hmph. You don't miss me. Why should I miss you?" She smiled and remove the chess pieces off the board. "I'll play a round of chess with you. Okay?"

One round turned into multiple rounds all of which resulted in Elder Haclin losing. Erebus merely watched on from the side while Bia often laughed at the old man's cunning ways but he still lost at the end. Erebus was content just by hearing her laughter. Coming close to dinner time, Bia and Erebus left the palace to eat at Flora's Manor. The old man watched the carriage leaving and sighed with content. He was glad nothing happened to her before she visited. He was afraid.. In the corridor Kasian held back the tears as he watched his granddaughter leaving. He knew what was about to happen and could only wait for the news.

Flora stood by the door waiting, "You're pregnant. Our daughter wouldn't want you out here in the cold waiting for her." Nox tried to convince her. From the time Neteria sent news that she was coming for dinner, Flora has been running around the entire time. A carriage finally pulled up and Flora smiled, "Neteria." Bia smiled upon seeing her parents. "Mother, Father." Erebus greeted them. They were ushered into the dining hall. "You didn't eat a big lunch did you? Because your mother told the chef to prepare a feast." Nox joked when they sat down. "No. I'm starving actually." The food was served and they all ate with small talk in between.

"Must you leave right after dinner?" Flora tried to convince her daughter to stay, she felt anxious and uneasy for some reason when looking at the young couple. "We'll come again." Flora was about to protest when Bia touched her stomach, "Mmhm. My younger sibling will be very talented. What about Neteri for a girl?" Flora smiled and looked into her daughter's eyes, "Okay. That sound good. For a boy?" Bia smiled, "Father can choose." Bia gave a deep bow before leaving.

After returning to the Manor, the two spent the rest of the night together. Early the next morning the rain stopped and rays of sun shone in on the couple who sat wrapped up in each other at the window. Bia sighed and smiled, "It seems that I'll have to kneel and ask forgiveness when I return." Erebus kisses her head, "Come to me first." She held out her hand and placed a intricately carved wood hairpin into his hand. "Wear this and I'll always find you first." With that Bia leaned against his chest and closed her eyes peacefully. Later that day, news of her death spread throughout the Kingdom.

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