Some Things Aren't Meant To Be Hidden 1

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In a tree in the back courtyard, a man in a red mask stood on a branch watching the commotion in the front yard. Bia appeared next to the man on the tree and he knelt down to her. "Mother." Bia sighs and looks towards the front courtyard, the man stood and watched as well. "Do you blame me for keeping you away, Niro?" The man called Niro shook his head, "If you hadn't found me and raised me, I wouldn't have lived. So I don't blame you. As always Mother has her reasons."

Bia turned to him, "I was a child myself when I took you in." Niro nodded but he had made up his mind to call her Mother and that wasn't going to change. She touched his cheek, "It's time to shed the darkness Niro, but it's ultimately your choice. I will not force you , however.." Bia moved her hand to his chest, right over his heart. "That knot in your heart needs to be untied." She smiled and left the tree, coming face to face with her husband who is livid. Grabbing Bia's hand, they head to the bedroom where Erebus erects a barrier. "How many things are you really keeping from me? I thought you only brought back Filmos, now there's another one? I couldn't even sense his presence. Who is he?" Bia sat down and listened to him talking.

"Is there anything else you are hiding from me? It's bad enough that you left without telling me before but now you have all of these secrets. What happened that made you change? What happened that made you not want to take me with you?" Erebus knew it was more than she was letting on. "If you disappeared the situation would've taken a turn for the worse-" Erebus cut her off, "To hell with this situation! All I wanted, I needed and craved was you." He walks towards her, his hair was turning white and eyes were turning black. "You are my addiction, my everything. Without you, this world is nothing to me." Erebus knelt in front of Bia, he looked up at her with sorrow in his eyes. Bia reached out and touches his cheek, "Why did you come here if you aren't telling me anything?" Bia smiled at him, caressing his cheek. "I left for reasons that I will tell you in due time but right now, we have a war to focus on."

In the front courtyard... "So this ridiculous story is supposed to make me believe you?" Reina held Reed in her arms as she stared at the four people in front of her. Maki had his arms reattached, Rai woke up a few minutes ago and the other two had just finished telling Reina the story. "It's true. We can always ask Aunty Lan about it." Rena said whole smiling at Reina but upon seeing the glare directed her way, Rena lowered her head. "You all think I'm stupid?!" Rai coughed a bit, "There's no need to get angry about this. You are that bastard's child, that's probably why you are th-" She was cut off when Reina's hand grabbed her throat. "Last time it was your jaw, this time it'll be your throat. Don't test my patience." A soft hand touched Reina's. Looking at the person, she was surprised. "Aunty Lan! You-"

"I rushed back upon hearing if the Queen's reappearance. When I got to the palace, she told me that the Young Princess also came back." Lan pulled Reina's hand away, "There's no need to doubt the story. Rai indeed dropped you at my doorstep, I thought that you were the twin she didn't wanted so I took you with me when the Queen went back to Wolf Kingdom." Rai nodded to Lan while rubbing her throat, Reina was so close to completely cutting off her airflow. "It was only after the massacre and I returned, that I found out what Rai did. Many centuries had passed when we found each other again, it didn't make sense to bring it up. I was careless about this."

"Since you knew what didn't you say anything about me in jail?" Raila asked, her eyes filled with tears, betrayal and anger were shining through the tears brightly. "Rai told me you died. There was nothing to be done." Raila glared at her sister, "It seems you did a lot of baseless things back then and now!" Rai scoffed, "I hid Reina from Kaa when she was born. You think that was easy?!" Rai's voice was hoarse so her voice sounded horrible, Raila chuckled. "Oh, I see." She looked at Maki and smirked, "That bastard isn't even Amelia's father! You've been played." Rei turned her body to Raila, "what? Then who?" She followed her sister's line of sight. Raila glanced at her sister.

"That's right! Your bastard of a husband raped me that night we were summoned to the palace. It was their plan all along. Knowing that we wouldn't tell the other. Kaa told me the day the Kingdom got word that Queen Flora died. He came down gloating about all of it to me. How he helped the Dark Witch Ravana destroy Supreme Empire all because he was jealous of his neice. Everything he did he confessed, thinking that I'd never get out of there alive." Rai sat there in utter shock. Tears clouded her eyes as she just looked at Maki as he sat there silently, healing himself. She hated Reina because she thought her Father was Kaa and wanted to get rid of her now that he was gone but all along...

"What happened? Why have you stopped speaking? You can't believe he did that or you just realized why he tried to fit my daughter in your useless family? Why he always picked up for her, took her side and defended her?" Raila walked over to Maki, "He's truly the scum of the earth. A son of a bitch." Maki glared at Raila and reached for her but Raila moved out of his reach. "Maki..." Rai called out to him and he froze, "How could you? I was so disgusted with myself that I threw away my own flesh and blood for you!! I sat and listened to you, promised that I would always listen to you for the rest of our lives but actually did this to me?!!" Maki walked up to her, "It's not like that. You have to believe me. It's not the truth." Rai slapped his hands away from her weakly, "Don't touch me." The disgust in her tone and eyes crushed Maki, he didn't want her to find out like this without telling her the entire story.

Raila smirked and attacked, her hand about to go straight through his chest. Rai saw it and pushed Maki away, taking the blow herself. "Mom!" "Rai!" Rena and Maki shouted out at the same time. Reina handed Reed over to Opal, Raila went to attack again but Rai held onto the hand through her chest while coughing out blood. "Enough. It was me who did you wrong. Let me atone for it with my death." Raila pulled out for her chest, "Both of you can die for what you did to me." Raila fell to the floor suddenly, her eyes closed. Rai looked up to see Reina standing there. "If you want to die, don't die in this Manor. It's dirty."

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