Chapter One

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This story takes place November of 2027

Beep! Beep! Beep! Lexi groaned at the annoying sound. She groaned. She broke loose from Miguel's grip and sat up. She leaned over and kissed his head.

She swung her legs over the white bed and slipped on her white fuzzy slippers. She walked across the wooden floors and down the long staircase.

A small, golden haired puppy ran up to her, jumping on his hind legs, placing his front paws on her knees. "Good Morning, Busby." She said. She picked up him and carried him into the kitchen with her. With one hand, she placed a coffee cup into the coffee machine and filled with water. She hit the button and the hot coffee started filling up the glass pot.

She carried the puppy into the living room. She sat down and Busby laid on top of her. She grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. The basics. Politics and weather.

She heard footsteps coming down the steps. She turned her head. "Good morning, babe." She said. He walked over to the back of the couch. She titled her head back and he kissed her lips. He then walked around and sat down next to Lexi and Busby.

Busby got off Lexi's lap and started jumping on Miguel. Lexi giggled and Busby started licking his face. "You know, few years ago today I proposed to you." Miguel said. "I remember...just like it was yesterday..."


"Lex, go upstairs and get dressed into something fancy!" Moon shouted, slamming the front door shut behind her. "Okay! Okay!" Moon dragged Lexi up the stairs and into their bedroom. She sat Lexi down on the bed and started going through the closet. She looked at the clothes, studying one and then pushing it away.

She then came across a short, sleeveless, red, bandage dress. "This one!" She said. She threw the dress at Lexi. Before Lexi could respond, Moon started going through Lexi's many shoes. She grabbed a red pair and threw them at Lexi. The pointy part of the heel hit Lexi's head. Lexi groaned in pain. "Oh no! Lexi, I'm so sorry!" That would definitely leave a bruise. "It's fine. I can just cover it up."

Lexi stood up. "What time do I have to get ready by?" She asked. "You have one hour." Moon said. "One hour?! Come on! Do my hair while I do my make-up!" Lexi said. Moon ran over to Lexi. Lexi sat in front of the her vanity mirror abe started doing her makeup, Moon did her hair. Lexi wasn't sure what Moon was doing, but Moon was good at hair so she didn't worry.

Lexi added her blush and contour. And then finished it off by a neutral  color eyeshadow, a wing eyeliner, and mascara. She smiled as she looked at herself. "All done!" Moon said. Lexi looked in the mirror. Her hair was curled and a few strands were pulled back.

"Thank you, Moon. Now I'm gonna get dressed." Moon walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. Lexi changed out of her leggings and tank top, and changed into her red dress. She slipped it over her body and slipped on the heels. She grabbed a gold chain her grandmother had given her, and clipped it in the back.

She grabbed her phone and placed it securly into a black clutch purse. She walked out. Moon smiled. "Lexi, you look incredible." Moon hugged her. "Thank you. Now, where am I supposed to be meeting Miguel?" She asked.

"At the beach." Moon simply said. The two women walked down the stairs and out the front door. Lexi looked it. Lexi hoped into her white jeep and Moon got into her red convertible. Lexi pulled out of the driveway and toward the beach, which was a good ten minutes away from where the two lived.

Moon followed secretly behind Lexi, keeping a few cars in between them.


Lexi pulled into the beach parking lot. She didn't get a good look at it as she pulled in. She unbuckled her seatbelt and grabbed her clutch. She walked along the gritty sand, trying her best not to fall in the heels.

Moon drove up and parked a few cars away for Lexi. She got out a quietly ran over to the bush, where all the friends and most family were hiding.

"Hello, Beautiful." Miguel said. He walked toward her, placing his hands on her waist and pulling her into a kiss. "Hello, handsome."

He took her hand and walked her along th sand. They stepped along electric, harmless white candles and red silk rose pedals. "The sunset is beautiful." Lexi said, looking along the beach. "Meh." He said. She looked at him. "I see you everyday, so compared you, it's just meh." He said, smiling at the end. Her heart just melted as it nearly pounded out of her chest.

"I love you, Lex." He said, looking down to the left at her. She looked up to the right. "I love you too, Mig." He took her other hand in his and pulled her, so they were no longer side by side, but now face to face.

"Lexi, when I moved here all those years ago, I didn't know how it would go. It thought it'd be terrible, but that was until I saw your shimming blue eyes in that lunch room. My heart immediately started racing and I thought it would pound out of my chest. You've made my life so much better, more than I could ever say. You're my love, my princess, my soulmate, and my other half..." He got down on one knee. He let go of one of her hands and dug it into his coat pocket.

She gasped and started to cry. "So, Alexia Shelby LaRusso, will you marry me?" He asked. She didn't even have to think. "Yes!" She cried. He smiled and stood up. He instantly slid the diamond ring on her left hand and wrapped his arms around her waist. He spun her in a circle, her feet lifting off the ground.

After a few spins, and getting a little dizzy, he set her down. She pushed her lips against his. All of a sudden, a large cheer came from bushes behind them. Lexi's eyes widened and she turned to the loud sound. She spotted Hawk, her looked as if he was crying a little, clapping his hands against each other.

°End of Flashback°

"That was one of the best days of my life, other than our wedding and the day we met that is." She said. He leaned over and kissed her head. "Oh, and I forgot to tell you, my grandma is coming in tomorrow for Thanksgiving." Lexi said. "That's great, but please tell me she isn't staying here." He begged. She chuckled and kissed his head. "No. But, she's coming here after the airport, then to my parents'." She explained.

She looked at the time on the TV. 8:47.  "I better go get ready for work." She stood up. She walked around the couch and up the stairs.

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