Chapter 5

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Previously in Mr. And Mrs. Diaz...

Ring. Ring. Ring. Sorry, the person you were trying to reach isn't able to answer right now. Please leave a message after the beep. Beep! "Hey, babe. I'm kind of at a lost of inspo, so I was thinking we could go to the beach tonight. Call me back when you get this! Bye, love you!"


She set her phone down. She
peeked at her calendar. Hmm. No meetings. A feel's time for a nap..She drifted off to sleep.


She started coughing as the room filled up with smoke. She grabbed her phone, slid it in her pocket, and stood up. She walked around to her window and peeked out. On the other side of the building, the saw flames quickly approaching her side, tears flowed out of her eyes.


"There's a huge fire at that building your wife works at!" Everyone looked toward the three of them. "What?!" Johnny asked. He grabbed the phone out of teen's grasp. He read it. California Styles Inc. building up in flames. Miguel had tears building up in his eyes.


He pulled up to the building and started to cry as he saw a building up in flames. Fire trucks surrounded the building. Water was being sprayed, but it didn't help. Miguel ran out of his car. He looked around and tried to find Lexi, but he couldn't.


"Please! My boss is stuck in her office! She can't get out!" The woman cried. Her husband hugged her. "We'll get her." The man said. Miguel walked closer to building. "Sir, you're gonna have stand back!"


He saw two men run up to her. One lifted her in his arms, Miguel watched in horror as her arm dropped livelessly. In just under a minute, the men ran out holding a lifeless woman in their arms.


"You're the husband?" One asked. "Yes." Miguel responded. "You can get in with her." Miguel stepped onto the ambulance. They closed the door and Miguel grabbed Lexi's hand and squeezed it.


"Miguel Diaz and *** *** ****." He said. "Great. You can sit, we'll alert you when she's checked in." Miguel nodded and sat down.


"You saw Sam?" Hawk asked. Miguel nodded. "You don't think she had anything to do with the fire?" He asked. "I mean, anything is possible."


It has been over 24 hours. Lexi was laying lifeless in the hospital bed. She was hooked up to some breathing machines. She had wires hooked all up and down her arm. She had serious burns all over her and a huge bruise over the side of her face.

They had said her heart rate wasn't well and she wasn't expected to survive. But, they said that when she was 16 and wasn't expected to awake from her coma.

Miguel looked as Johnny and Carmen walked into the room. Miguel looked up and wiped his tears. "How is she?" Johnny asked as his wife walked up to Lexi.

"Not well. She's not expected to make it." Miguel said. Rosa slowly followed in with her cane. She walked up to her and touched his face. "Have you slept, Miggy?" She asked. He shook his head. "We'll come back later. You need to rest." Carmen said. She kissed her son's head and the three of them walked out of the room.

Miguel leaned back on the couch and he eyes quickly shut.


"We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Alexia Shelby LaRusso-Diaz. Lexi was a fantastic fashion designer, and a beloved daughter, sister, granddaughter, and wife. She may not have lived a full life, living to be 25, but she lived to the fullest. Now, to say a few words, her dear husband, Miguel Diaz." The woman said.

Miguel gave a weak smile to her and stood up. He walked to the front. "Good morning. I've been married to Alexia for two years now. We've been together for 9 years total. Lexi always knew how to make a bad situation into a good one. We were thinking of starting a family soon... I still can't believe she's gone...and I don't want to. She's the love of my life, m-my soulmate...I-I just c-can-" Miguel's knees went weak and he fell. He cried and cried. He couldn't believe she was gone.


"Will you marry me?"

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"Will you marry me?"


"Do you, Alexia LaRusso, take Miguel Diaz to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"You look beautiful, babe."

"Can we get a dog? Please..."


"This house is perfect! I can't wait till we have a bunch of little feet running around! I can just imagine it, Lex."

"You're my soulmate."

"You're my everything."

"You're my wife."

Miguel's eyes fluttered open. He instantly looked over at the bed to see his wife not there. "Sir!" He looked at the nurse in front of him. "Your wife woke up. We took her down the hall to get some tests down. She'll be back soon."

"Thank goodness."

Mr. and Mrs. Diaz ~ Sequel to Heartbroken [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now