Chapter 4

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Beware! Sad scenes ahead! (and don't worry, it's not Sam's fault)

Lexi sat at her desk, tapping her pencil against the wood. She couldn't think. What should the sleeves be? She didn't have any inspiration, and going to the beach gave her inspiration. She picked up her phone and called her husband.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Sorry, the person you were trying to reach isn't able to answer right now. Please leave a message after the beep. Beep! "Hey, babe. I'm kind of at a lost of inspo, so I was thinking we could go to the beach tonight. Call me back when you get this! Bye, love you!"

She set her phone down. She peeked at her calendar. Hmm. No meetings. A feel's time for a nap..She drifted off to sleep.


Here it comes...😭

Lexi's eyes fluttered open. At first she thought her eyes were just adjusting, but then she smelled it. Smoke. She started coughing as the room filled up with smoke. She grabbed her phone, slid it in her pocket, and stood up. She walked around to her window and peeked out. On the other side of the building, the saw flames quickly approaching her side, tears flowed out of her eyes.

She ran over to the door and touched the handle. Burning hot. She backed away quickly. She didn't know what to do.

-With Miguel-

The students grabbed their bags and all looked at their phones. A kid's eyes widened at the screen. He ran over to his two senseis. "Sensei Diaz!" He said. Miguel turned to him. "Yes, Jackson?" He asked.

"There's a huge fire at that building your wife works at!" Everyone looked toward the three of them. "What?!" Johnny asked. He grabbed the phone out of teen's grasp. He read it. California Styles Inc. building up in flames. Miguel had tears building up in his eyes.

"Go. I'll meet you there." Johnny said, looking his Step-Son in the eye. Miguel nodded. He grabbed his bag and darted out of the house. He got into his car and drove quickly on the road. He might of ran a few stop signs and maybe a red light, but he didn't care. He needed to get to his wife.

He pulled up to the building and started to cry as he saw a building up in flames. Fire trucks surrounded the building. Water was being sprayed, but it didn't help. Miguel ran out of his car. He looked around and tried to find Lexi, but he couldn't.

"Miguel!" Someone shouted. He looked around.

It was Daniel, dang it. He and Amanda ran up to Miguel. "Did you find her?" Miguel asked. Daniel shook his head. He turned around and a saw a women, wrapped in a blanket, being carried out. She was coughing. Miguel walked up to her, it was his wife's assistant, Olivia.

"Please! My boss is stuck in her office! She can't get out!" The woman cried. Her husband hugged her. "We'll get her." The man said. Miguel walked closer to building. "Sir, you're gonna have stand back!"

"That's my wife in there! Please!" Miguel cried. "Sir, we'll get her. Just please back away." Two men ran into the fire. Miguel looked on the top level and saw the silhouette of a woman, his wife, in the window. She was on her knees, coughing into her hand. Her face was inching closer and closer to the ground.

He saw two men run up to her. One lifted her in his arms, Miguel watched in horror as her arm dropped livelessly. In just under a minute, the men ran out holding a lifeless woman in their arms.

Miguel ran up to her and cried. She was covered in black dust. Her eyes didn't open. "Is she okay?" Miguel asked. Johnny, Daniel, and Amanda running. "No. We have to get her to a hospital immediately." They lifted her into a ambulance and the sky went black. It started pouring rain.

"You're the husband?" One asked. "Yes." Miguel responded. "You can get in with her." Miguel stepped onto the ambulance. They closed the door and Miguel grabbed Lexi's hand and squeezed it.

Miguel looked at his phone and saw he had a voicemail. From Lexi. He held it up to his ear and played it. "Hey, babe. I'm kind of at a lost of inspo, so I was thinking we could go to the beach tonight. Call me back when you get this! Bye, love you!" He started to cry. Why. Why?! He wanted to know why bad things always happened to her? Her sister. Karate. Her dad. The fight. The coma. Being paralyzed. Anxiety. Stress. Fear. Why? Just why?

-At the hospital-

They pulled up into the hospital. They rushed her inside the emergency room. Miguel got out and walked up to the front desk. "Her name is Alexia Diaz. She's 25 and her birthday is August 12th 2002." The woman typed it into the computer. "Any past injuries in the past 10 years?" She asked.

"Yes. When she was 16, she went into a coma and was nearly paralyzed. She cracked her spine." The woman's eyes widened and she typed it in. "Alright, and your her husband?" He nodded. "Your name and phone number sir?"

"Miguel Diaz and *** *** ****." He said. "Great. You can sit, we'll alert you when she's checked in." Miguel nodded and sat down. "Miguel?" Someone asked. Miguel looked up and saw Hawk. "Hawk?" He stood up. "What's up? Are you okay? Where's Lexi?" He asked.

"There was a huge fire at the building. She was the last one out. A wall fell on her and she's being rushed into the emergency room." Miguel said. Hawk started to cry. "I'm so sorry, man." Hawk hugged Miguel. "Things were going so well, and then we saw Sa-"

"You saw Sam?" Hawk asked. Miguel nodded. "You don't think she had anything to do with the fire?" He asked. "I mean, anything is possible." (it wasn't her, just saying it now)

To be continued...

Mr. and Mrs. Diaz ~ Sequel to Heartbroken [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now