Ain't like I use em anyways

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Damn... This is Japan eh? Doesn't look all that impressive. No matter, I'm sure it has something to offer.

You said while sitting on the plane.

(Y/N): *sigh* This place sure is clean. Guess that's an upside.

The plane landed and you were getting off.

Security: Woah, Woah. You have to have you're PM before you can pass.

(Y/N): Huh? PM? The hell are you talking about?

Security: Oh! Forgive me. You must be a foreigner. Enjoy you're stay!

(Y/N): Hm. Well, that was... Interesting.

As you walked to you're apartment.

(Y/N): I wonder... Are those PMs on everyone's necks? Wonder what it stands for.

When you got to your apartment.

(Y/N): Damn. This place is certainly empty. Only furniture and stuff.

You opened your wrist phone thing.

(No not a pipboy from fallout)

(Y/N): Let's see... Ah, a PM monitors people's words and what they do? Kinda creepy and restricting. At least I can say shit as I please...

(Y/N): I got school tomorrow already.

The next day.

(Y/N): On my way to school baby! A sunny day and everything. Can't wait to see how smart these Asians are compared to in America.

You were on the transit.

(Y/N): Way too cramped in here.

You looked behind you and saw a big gorilla man.

(Y/N): He sure is heavily breathing. I wonder what if he's as uncomfortable as I am.

The woman in front of him started freaking out.

Woman: Hey, what are you doing?! You've been touching my gluteus maximus!

(Y/N): So to communicate, they use literal terms and slang? Sounds retarded! They're still talking about the same topic! What's it matter if someone uses the word if someone is gonna talk about it anyway! This shit is so dumb! Well, it doesn't really matter. Ain't like I use them anyways.

Gorilla: I wasn't touching your glut... I mean why would I need to do that anyway?

(Y/N): True. He does not need to. Maybe I can assist him... See what Japan can do against me.

You then got a mask on with no one noticing and grabbed her arm to drag her off the train.

(Y/N): I touched your ass! Wanted to see if it was as big as it looked!

Man 1: He just said...

Man 2: He cant-

Woman: What was that for! I was gonna milk him of his money! No matter, you said something vulgar so they'll be in their way anyways...

She walked off.

(Y/N): What a dumb ass...

It was then when some random lady with panties on her head was above you.

Lady: What do you think you're doing?

(Y/N): What in God's name...

Man 3: Everyone evacuate! Blue snow is here!

(Y/N): What kinda name is-

Blue snow: Big (ding)leberries! (Whatever the fuck thay means)

Everyone started screaming and running for their lives.

Man 3: Dont get caught in her terrorism!

Blue snow: Cock-a-doodle-pussy!!!

You were just standing there with the most confused expression.

(Y/N): Really?! That's all you got?! I've heard way worse! Like Fucking your pussy with my long hard cock, while your sister lickes my balls!

What? It's all I could think of right now.

Blue snow: *gasp* another terrorist?

While some guards tried to get her, some other guards tried to get you as well.

Blue snow: Get back! Im naked under this! I will reveal myself to everyone here if you get any closer! I demand liberty from oppression! Dirty jokes as a civil right!

Blue snow: Until we meet again!

She then tossed a bunch of papers and ran off.

(Y/N): What's this... I see. Good strategy. Fighting off horrible government like this might work with enough determination...

You put it in your pocket and ran off.

You took off the mask and went to the opening ceremony.

Shimoneta x TransferStudent (MaleReader) fanfic  Where stories live. Discover now