First day, not so great

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At the opening ceremony...

(Y/N): Dont have these in America. It's quite interesting. Wouldn't be so annoying if these pricks wouldn't talk about me.

Girl: He's a foreigner...

Girl 2: Yeah I bet his morality is soo low.

Guy: Yeah you should talk to him.

Principal: Representing the student body, the president: Anna Nishikinomiya.

(Y/N): First name is simple "anna". Then you go Nishikinomiya. Quite the mouth full.

She then walked up to the podium.

(Y/N): What a cute girl... Boy if I had wasn't such an outcast.

Anna: Welcome new students! I am pleased to welcome you here today. My name is Anna Nishikinomiya.

My God, I hate typing that... Let's just copy. Aaand there!

All students old and new, I'm glad that you have to Tokioka academy! The greatest morals of all schools!

In class...

You were sitting at your desk, reading all the science books that the school had to offer.

(Y/N): Damn... I already know all this stuff...

Everyone was looking at you because a girl was under the desk.

Hyoka: Hello?

(Y/N): Woah! What the?! What are you doing down there?!

Hyoka: My name is Hyoka Fuwa. I apologize for the sudden intrusion, but I have a question to ask.

She then got closer to your face. Which made you a bit uncomfortable.

(Y/N): Get out of my face and ill answer my gosh! Hasn't anyone taught you that first impressions are very important?

She then backed away.

Hyoka: Sorry, but I would like to know. How are babies made?

(Y/N): You're kidding. I knew it was bad but this is on another level... *sigh* I don't know if I should answer that.

Hyoka: So you do know. And you're insinuating something.

(Y/N): Yeah well, in America we're taught everything at a young age.

Hyoka: Then will you tell me?

(Y/N): I said no.

Hyoka got very close to your face.

Hyoka: If it's difficult to explain verbally, then I'll accept a demonstration.

(Y/N): Jeez, I've never done it before!

Hyoka was hit over the head with a book bag.

Ayame: (Y/N) right? I am Ayama Kajo. This is my second year at Tokioka.

(Y/N): And this is our first time meeting... Figure, eye color, hair color... Really gives it away.

Hyoka: (talking with her face in your crotch) One more thing. I personally think pen- I mean cucumbers are the key to pregnancy.

(Y/N): You're one smart girl. I can tell.

Hyoka smiled.

Hyoka: Yes, I'm close...

(Y/N): That's what she said...

Ayame chuckled.

Ayame: I need to take you to the student council for a meeting.

(Y/N): I see...

You went to the student council to see anna and Ayame sitting at a table.

Anna: Hello, my name is Anna. The student council president of this school.

(Y/N): I know. I was at the opening ceremony.

Anna: I see, well your acceptance to this school has long been anticipated. But we see you are far more intelligent than any one of our students.

Raiki: I am Raiki Goriki. Year-3. I'm the secretary-treasurer.

(Y/N): Him? More like Raiki Gorilla... Alright... What do you need me for?

Anna: Would you like to join us in the student council to help protect the morality of this school?

(Y/N): I see. So you think maybe since I'm a foreigner I can help by giving you a different standpoint. I might. Just to see what Ayame is up to...

Anna: In case you don't know, a masked terrorist is running about known as blue snow.

(Y/N): Im aware.

Anna: And to make matters worse, the terrorist is a student at this school.

(Y/N): Once again, I'm aware.

Anna: We want you to join because you can help us understand better what mischievous things she's doing.

(Y/N): (peeks over to Ayame) sure.

After school, Ayame asked to go on a "date" I guess you can say.

At an empty restaurant...

(Y/N): Alright Blue snow... What do you need?

Ayame: I see you have seen through my clever disguise!

(Y/N): Clever? Heh, you sure about that?

Ayame: But I must say. Joining the student council is a great strategy! Great for not looking suspicious!

(Y/N): Oh yeah? Well, I hate repeating myself but what do you need me for?

She then took her glasses off and took her hair down.

(Y/N): Not gonna lie. Youre kinda hot.

Ayame: You naughty boy! I want to join sox!

(Y/N): Sox? I wanna stay out of your business. Im just a transfer student. It's not my job to change Japan.

Ayame: But you can do so much more! The way you shouted Cock! And Pussy! You have the great ability!

(Y/N): *sigh* Look, I don't know if joining you would be all that great for me. I could hey caught an-

Ayame: But that's where youre wrong! I checked youre records! Youre a genius! You can overthrow the Japanese government if you wanted!

(Y/N): *sigh* But it's not my place is what I'm trying to tell you. Im just an American.

Ayame: I know how you Americans get... I'll make it worth your while~

(Y/N): Ok let's not go there... There is no escaping this... I'll just join her.


Ayame: alright!

(Y/N): I better not regret this... Actually how come your PM isn't picking up your dirty words?

Ayame: Well, it's this right here!

She then pulled out a very old flip phone.

(Y/N): I see. So it highjacks the signal and (more science mumbo jumbo). That's some good technology. If it breaks I can replicate it easily.

Ayame: I knew you were smart! It only works for a few minutes a day though.

(Y/N): Better than nothing.

Ayame: My father gave it to me before a group of thugs framed him for fucking high school girls.

(Y/N): hm...

Ayame: Well that's enough talking for now. Bye!

She left and you went home as well.

(Y/N): Finally. Some rest. I can already tell things we probably gonna get pretty bad. Why the hell did I join sox?

Shimoneta x TransferStudent (MaleReader) fanfic  Where stories live. Discover now