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Later on the rooftop...

(Y/N): Seeing Anna back there was... Painful, to say the least.

Ayame: I completely agree, even Goriki isn't doing well. He cares about her as well. I believe that he likes anna. He just may not know it. People nowadays don't know if they feel love or not.

(Y/N): It's a horrible thing to put upon everyone. Humanity can't handle this, it's wrong.

Ayame: Like they can't handle a hard dick!

(Y/N): *sigh* and here I thought we were having a moment. So how are we gonna deal with the stalker?

Ayame: I'm not sure... Have any leads?

(Y/N): Well for a bit I thought it could be saotome. But it can't be. There are small bits of evidence that are in her favor...

A light bulb is turned on above your head.

(Y/N): I've got a brilliant idea! How about someone goes on a date with Anna while someone else stays undercover to see if they spot anyone?

Ayame: This might just work!

Several days later during the setup date...

Ayame was being undercover, whilst you were going on a "date" with Anna.

Anna: You know, it's great actually getting to talk to you.

(Y/N): I feel the same way. I don't really get close to people so this is all new to me.

Anna: Im glad to be your friend.

In the background, you can faintly hear the yelling of ayame and soatome.

(Y/N): The fuck are they being loud about? It's called "undercover" for a reason...

Then some big guy jumped out of the bushes.

Guy 1: Anna! How dare you get close to her?! I'm gonna kill you!

(Y/N): Heh, you sure about that?

You pulled out what looked like some kind of futuristic pistol. It had the shape of a bell from a trumpet instead of a barrel.

It was put together with random bits of technology duct-taped together on a nerf gun and a trumpet. So yeah pretty funky.

You pulled the trigger and it let out a sonic wave that knocked him out.

The gun shook a lot in the process so it kind of fell apart.

(Y/N): Damn! I Shoulda used flex tape!

When you were picking up the pieces and putting them in your satchel, these other 2 guys popped out.

(Y/N): Ah crap, gotta result to plan b.

You pulled out one of your other prototypes that were yet another modded nerf gun.

This time it just had an old car battery strapped to the side with metal zip ties. There were wires all on it and it took specially modified darts.

You shot at one guy and it had a thin wire like a taser connected to the dart.

When it got stuck into his skin, he was electrocuted worse than any taser but not bad enough to be lethal. The gun only had one modded dart so you were out of options.

Anna: There's another guy!

(Y/N): I can see that! Well, when in doubt, there are always fists.

You run up to the guy and swing but you can't fight well, so he just hit your head with a rock and you fell on top of Anna.

When you opened your eyes you realized that you kissed Anna.

(Y/N): Oh sorry about that. I think I may have encountered a severe concussion...

Then you passed out...

Shimoneta x TransferStudent (MaleReader) fanfic  Where stories live. Discover now