You realize You Are TOUGH
Only when Out Of The Dark
You get why YOU ARE SO STRONG :
You have been through so muchBack then,
They said You Weren't Enough
And you listened and believed
Making it your purpose to be enoughNow in 2021
Words keep flowing
Judgment keeps growing
You are the CRAZY one in their "Sane" worldYour armor has gotten thick
Their words can't creep in ANYMOREThey didn't expect the Phoenix
They had left a little bird for dead
But A WARRIOR WAS BUILT from the ashes leftNicole
Ideas Left To Burn
ПоэзияThis is a collection of some poems I have written between the age 17-20. Poems of thoughts that run through my mind. Most of them don't even make sense but I had fun getting them out of my head. Some feelings need words to make some sense.