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Ali, whispering to James: what does 'sidetracked' mean?

Liz: *smacks Ali on the head with a spatula* Ya hear that? Ratty hair boi said no distractions!

Ana: Actually, he said "I want y'all to pay perfect attention and not be sidetracked by anything else"

Cho: at a much higher decibel

Ali: what's a decibel?

James: could you have given me an apron that doesn't have pink flowers all over it?

Ana: this apron is Ali-sized...

Markos: *pinches bridge of his nose* All right. Everyone. Shut up. We need to cook. And I'd like to not blow up the kitchen while we're at it. Any questions?

Ali: *raises hand*

Markos: Yes, Elfi?

Ali: while we're at it, can we blow up the kitchen?

Markos: ...anyone else? No? Great!

Cho: wait, what exactly are we making?

Markos: Well, it's Vibi's birthday party tomorrow and I volunteered to make everything for it-

Ana: Aw, that's nice

Markos: but that also includes making the actual food too, not just the cake

Lia: ...and why would you volunteer to do such a thing in less than twenty-four hours?

Markos: because, I've got six kitchen minions to help me out!

Ana: wait... there are seven of us besides you

Markos: exactly! Liz is experienced enough in the kitchen to be promoted to the level of amateur chef!

Liz: amateur??? I've been cooking for years!

Ali: all she knows how to do is cut things! Including herself!

Liz: *ignores Ali* what's the level above amateur chef?

Markos: uh... regular chef?

Liz: I am regular chef *casually flips a knife from one hand to the other*

Markos: okay, fine, you can be regular chef. Everyone else is a kitchen minion.

James: Ali is a kitchen elf

Ali: OI

Markos: Okay, Ali is a kitchen elf. Below a kitchen minion. Literally. Now, if there are no more grievances with your levels, let's hurry up and get started.

Cho: are each of us doing something different?

Markos: yeah. I'm in charge of the roast chicken. Eliza is in charge of cookies and cake. Ana will help me, while Cho, you can help Eliza. Lia and Ali, you do the salad. Hopefully you can't fuck that up.

James: what about me?

Markos: And James, you have the most important job of all

James: ooh, and that is?

Markos: dish washer bucket boy

James: I-

Markos: Cool! Everyone, take your places!

~with Team Markana~

Markos: Ana could you preheat the oven to-

Ana: *throws chappal and hits the oven knob* Done

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