He is mine! - age regression

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Prompt:Quackity and Bad were messing around having fun until skeppy cane to find bad in his little space mind..

A/n skeppy is shorter than bad for this one but every other oneshots I make skep is taller :3

(3rd pov)

Quackity was streaming with bad on the dsmp messing around,trolling others, anything friends would do!

Quackity started laughing his ass off because bad had fallen into lava. No he didn't lose his stuff but he was still mad he fell and the fact Quackity was laughing at him!

Bad had snuck over to Quackity and punched him into the lava him dying aswell, "HA YOU GOT MUFFINED QUACKITY BOOM!"


(Skep pov)

I have been looking for bad for so long!

He isn't in our base nor is he on TeamSpeak. I tried to message him on telegram lots of times but he won't answer me! But even so I didn't check discord but he rarely uses it so no point but just in case I'll check.

I opened discord and see bad in a call! With quackity..? Why in the world is he with him! He is supposed to be with me! I bet he is live isn't he!

I opened Quackitys stream and tracked where they were and ran over their to them.

I heard Quackity start speaking on his live,"Hey bad I noticed you look extra cute today!" "Aww thank you Quackity you look good aswell!"

(3rd pov) srry..

Skeppy was in his little mind at the moment so he wasn't having any oth Quackitys flirting with bad.

Skeppy joined the call.

"Who just joined?" Quackity asked the chat like if they knew.

"SKEPPY!!!" Bad yelled out excited his boyfriend had joined the call.

"Buba! Why u wit Quack idot?" Skeppy asked in a baby tone.

Quackity relized Skeppy was in his little mind so he thought to make him jealous.

"Hey bad look at me really quick."

Bad turned to face Quackity and all of a sudden Quackity grabbed bad and kissed him.

Skeppy got jealous really bad to point he wanted to murder Quackity right then and there.

Skeppy ran over to then and grabbed bad and tugged on his shirt to make him pull away and bad got the hint and pulled away immediately.

"What the m-muffin Quackity?" Bad started to wipe his mouth with his hand," You didn't like it?" "No not really.. But you have fiance's!" "So?"

Bad didn't respond because what do you say to that?

Skeppy kept tugging bad's shirt trying to get his attention,"Skeppy stop not now." Bad told skeppy to make him stop but it just made skeppy more mad.

Skeppy started whineing and tugging harder. Skeppy even started to kick bad with tears flowing his face.

"Geppy stop ! Not now!" But Skeppy didn't stop at all he whined even harder stomping his foot throwing a tantrum.

Skeppy had given up running to the corner of the house they were in crying as quiet as possible.

Bad groaned and looked over to skeppy who was know walking over to who knows where. Bad continued to talk with Quackity.

Skeppy had walked over to the kitchen looking for some milk but Quackity had none.

Skeppy started the cry loudly since he was hungry but mad at bad for not leaving.

Bad went over to the kitchen to see a crying skeppy. He felt quilty as he did this to Skeppy.

Bad walked over to the poor baby and tried to pick him up but Skeppy kicked him away whineing even more.

Skeppy had managed to push bad away and run past Quackity outside the house back to HIS base.

Bad has chased after skeppy trying to look for him but he had zero luck.

Bad walked back to his and Skeppy's base going into his room face planting into his bed.

"Where could he have gone?" Bad looked over to the side of his room to look outside and saw skeppy in his room crying his eyes out.

Bad rushed over to Skeppy's room to check on the poor baby tripping on his way over there.

Bad opened Skeppy's room to see if he was okay. Skeppy noticed bad almost instantly and looked away from him to prevent him from having another mental breakdown.

Bad grabbed skeppy and pulled him close but skeppy didn't like this one bit.

Skeppy started to kick at bad again but he wouldn't budge.

"Skeppy stop! You are just being a grouchy muffin right now just take a nap." Skeppy responded in whines and more kicks untill bad finally gave up and let go of skeppy.

"Gwo awaqw!" Skeppy whined at bad.

Bad grabbed skeppy picking him up bridal style. Skeppy squirmed and whined loudly trying to be set free but failed to be let go.

Bad started to cover skeppy in kissed but skeppy was really angry and tried to hit bad away but of course couldn't.

After a while skeppy had gave in into bad's love and affection and started to fall asleep I'm bad's arms.

It was gonna be longer but I'm lazy rn

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