Jealously- Angst

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Prompt: Good was being clingy wanting Jef's attention but soon enough gives up and leaves to do...

(3rd pov)

"JEFFFFFFF GIVE ME ATTENTION YOU B!TCHHHHH" whined Good while clinging onto his boyfriend to get his attention.


Good fell silent. Let go of his partner staying quiet.

Jef was relieved that Good stopped but confused why he didn't say anything else.

Good opened his wings and flew to the door. Unlocking it and slamming the door shut.

"Weird" Jef walked over to the couch and started working on some stuff.

(Jef pov)

I finally finished my work but Good still wasn't home after i yelled at him. I mean I guess I was a bit harsh yelling at  him to leave me alone but he never gets upset like that...

I got up from the couch and went to get my hoodie and keys. I grabbed my beanie fixed it on my head and walked out the door locking it behind me.

Now time to look for that demon and find where ever he went.

(Time skip brought by a hangry rat)

I was searching for so long until I came across the woods that lead to me and Good's favorite spot and where I asked him out.

I walked closer and closer to our spot and heard voices. It sounded like GOOD but not just Good someone else too.

"Good?" I called out.

(3rd pov I'm sorry :<(

Good turned to face where the voice was but didn't see anything.?

"Did you hear that?" Questioned Nightmare.

"Yeah but it was probably a animal."

Good sat on Nightmare's lap wrapping his arms around neck burring his face in Nightmare's chest.

Jef came to the spot to see Good and Nightmare.... cuddling?

"I uh... did I interrupt something?" Jef asked trying to hide the tears that wanted to pour out.

Good quickly turned around to face Jef.

"Uh no not really."

"Oh okay... I guess I'll go?" Jef started to run back home starting to cry.

(Time skip brought by uwu)

Jef had gotten home and was now hugging his knees scared that Nightmare was gonna take Good from him. But Nightmare had (op) George why would he want good.

Jef did stop crying but didn't stop shaking. Just waiting for someone but he didn't really know who he was waiting for.

Just then the door opened  and closed.

Jef got up and ran to see who had came hoping it was... (op) George? But who he saw wasn't who he wanted to see.

"Hey Jef" Good blant out said without thinking why Jef ran off.

Tears streamed down Jef's checks. Hood never called him 'Jef' he would always nickname him even if it was a curse word.

"You good? Why are you crying?" Questioned Good.

"I'm sorry!I'msorryIdidn'tspenttimewithyouIwasbusyandIdidn'trealizeyouwereupsetandnowyouwantto leaveme!" Jef spit out at Good.

"I didn't understand anything I only understood sorry but calm down" Good went up to Jef holding his shoulders.

"And no I don't want to leave you I was just cuddling with Nightmare because I was lonely without your cuddles."

"Why would you even cuddle with him if you know we are together and he is with someone! THAT ISN'T SOMETHING YOU GOODBOYHALO!" Jef yelled at Good grabbing Good's wrist and throwing them off him.

"Just leave me alone I don't know who to blame anymore." Jef stormed off to his bedroom.

Good just stood their relizeing he did something wrong and wanted full blame. He wanted to tell his partner well.. maybe soon to be ex partner... to give him all the blame but didn't want to pressure him. So Good just went to the spare bedroom and layed their knowing he made Jef jealous but at what cost. What did he earn from making his partner jealous.


643 words! :D


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