Sick skeppy-Fluff

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Prompt: Bad had gotten sick from being in the rain for to long and with Skeppy's help he got better! But Skeppy had gotten worse...

(Bad pov)

I woke up on the couch with geppy and he seemed full on passed out so I didn't want to bother him so I just stayed on his lap playing with his soft raven hair.

"I'm not asleep you know." Sgeppy whispered to me still keeping his eyes closed.

I yelped in suprise. This dunderhead tricked me.

He started to laugh at me while I was whining.

Then skeppy started to cough loudly.

"Sgeppy! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Bad it was just one cough."

I could tell he was lying since he was always alot more bright and happy with his bubbly personality so this wasn't good.

I got off his lap and pulled him up with me but then I realized I had no point to do that because now I had to stand on my tippy toes to check his forehead.

A/n I know this hasn't happened and I hope it won't happen but... if you say anything about skeppy being taller than bad then fuck you my story my choice. If you like short skeppy but don't mind Bad being shorter, comment and maybe I'll make a short skeppy story! ^^

His forehead was burning hot he was like almost going to melt.

"Geppy you are burning hot do you have a fever?"

"How do you know what this but not know what being 'sick is."

I stopped and thought. Are they the same thing or something?

"Doesn't matter come!"

I grabbed his hand dragging him to our bedroom. I would of loved to pick him up and bring up but no way I could even lift him off the ground a little bit.

I layed him down on our bed grabbing some medicine for him to drink.

Skeppy looked awful. He was sweating almost like he was running for so long in the burning hot sun.

I ran back downstairs almost tripping but my wings caught me and pulled me over to the freezer.

I grabbed an ice pack, and a cold wet rag.

I ran back over to skeppy and he was just laying there looking so hurt.

I put the wet rag on his forehead and put the ice pack on his chest onto of his changed clothes.

I layed down beside but not with him since I didn't want to get sick again because I was the reason he is sick right now. I feel so bad! :(

Skeppy had fallen asleep again so I decided to sleep aswell but cuddling his arm a bit but only his arm!

*bad then started to fully cuddle skeppy. That muffinhead

(╯ರ ~ ರ)╯︵ ┻━┻



Yes ik very short but ay you got something so be a happy potato

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