Chapter 17: Crowley

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Sam had abandoned his room and was sleeping comfortably behind me. We'd brain-stormed for several hours on the Crowley problem and had been up late putting the finishing touches on the plan. 

The Plan.

It was all mapped out. Something bothered me about The Plan, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I lay in the early morning light, listening to Sam and Dean breathe evenly. My eyes fixed on the tan wicker lamp hanging above the motel table. It looked like a sad tulip dripping from a chain. 70's decor was hideous then, but 10 times worse now.

I narrowed my eyes at it, as an idea formed. Upside down. We needed to put the devil's trap for Crowley on the ceiling. Dean had decided we'd put it on the asphalt in front of Baby's trunk. That's what bothered me. Crowley would see it - no matter what color it was. I hadn't argued, because I didn't have a better idea. If we backed Baby up to the motel overhang, we could paint it in white on the ceiling and not look suspicious. I shook Dean. "Dean, wake up. I've got it. I know how to get Crowley in the devil's trap."

He frowned irritably and groaned. "What? Damn, Doll.  Hold on." Dean scrubbed at his hair and smacked his lips sleepily. Sam stirred and stretched at the sound of our voices.

"Little early, don't ya think, Doll Face?" he grumbled and rolled away from me. I pushed on Sam's back to keep him awake. He snagged my arm and pulled me head first over in front of him. I shrieked in laughter.

Looking at him upside down with my head mashed into the mattress, I grinned brightly. "Good morning."

Sam glared at me. "At least wait until after coffee to be so chipper." He released me and as I slid back upright, I paused to blow a raspberry on his bare ribs. Sam convulsed and fell off the bed. "Damn it!" sounded from the floor.

I scuttled back against Dean to escape the arm that appeared over the edge of the bed. Sam's hand grasped at the air - searching, and located my ankle. He yanked and pulled me over the side. I clutched at Dean, but he held his hands up out of the way with a devilish grin. "Uh uh, Doll, you get no help from me. Not this early."

I landed with a thump squarely on top of Sam. He attacked immediately - poking and tickling without mercy. "SAM! SAMMY!" I gasped in laughter.

Dean stepped neatly over us. "You two are gonna get us tossed out of this rat hole. Cut it out."

Sam relaxed with a grin and snapped at Dean,
"FINE. Asshat." A hand towel hit Sam in the side of the head and Dean turned smugly to fill the coffee pot with water.

"You're a... uh, asshat." Dean retorted grumpily.

I wheezed and relaxed my head on Sam's chest. His voice was a rumble against my ear. "Well, spit it out, Doll Face. You woke us up - this better be good."

I snuggled against him. "Nah. I'm fine." I braced for more tickling but instead, Dean sat on my back - crushing me and Sam into the floor at the same time. We both howled in protest. Dean chuckled and mashed with an extra shove as he got up and slapped my butt.

I took a cleansing breath. "I just want to change where we put the trap. Let's back Baby up to the overhang and put the devil's trap on the ceiling. Then we can just stuff Crowley in the trunk and slam it."

Dean made duck lips with an eyebrow and nodded.  "We've caught Crowley with a ceiling trap before. Seems neat and clean. I love shoving that Limey bastard in the trunk, too."

I traced Sam's perfect jawline in thought. "Dean, you could hide in the trunk and hop out when you were ready. That way it would just be me calling him. Plus, I expect he knows the ring is in Baby's weapons cache." Sam side-eyed me. "And you," I said with a smile and shook his chin, "can hide behind the door, and watch from the peephole. You'd be right behind me if I got in trouble."

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