Chapter 5: Orange Lightning

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Sam and Dean were terribly sick.  They were usually quick to get back on their feet after a hunt - even one that had gone badly.  But not this time.  They slept mostly.  I woke them to eat, but I had to just get mean to make them take even a few bites.  Sam had retreated to his own room, and I let Dean have his bed.  I camped out in one of the extra rooms and fretted.  Dean's sting was still a gaping hole weeks later, and he had almost constant nausea.  Sam's leg was no better than Dean's back.  Raw and deep, stitches hadn't seemed to help at all.  I was not very good at stitches, but had done the best that I could.  I hadn't even tried to stitch Dean - his wound was just too big.  Cas came by every day and tried to heal them.  Inch by inch was a slow way to do it.  I read about stings and obscure monsters constantly while they slept. 

Sam had been the most helpful with what had happened.  Dean just didn't talk much.  They hadn't figured out what the monster was, even when they cornered her in a barn.  There had been a huge fight and in the end - Dean jumped on her back when she got Sam down on the ground.  That was how Sam got his leg scratched by her stinger.  He was lucky Dean had hit her when he did.  She would have gotten Sam in the chest instead of grazing his thigh, otherwise.  That was also when she had stung Dean.  As Dean knocked her away from Sam, she swung around and whipped Dean in the back.  Dean had gritted his teeth and held on long enough for Sam to slice off the monster's head.  Sam had to pull the stinger out of Dean's back.  He saved the stinger, but burned the rest of her before getting Dean into the Impala.  After hearing the full story, I had retrieved the stinger from the trunk to try and identify it.

Cas walked into the library one afternoon, after working on Sam and Dean. "How are they today, Cas?" I asked distractedly. 

He shrugged and made an irritated noise.  "As always, small healing but no real progress.  Until the poison flushes out, I'm afraid this is the way it's going to be." I nodded.  I was looking at the stinger and had several books open around it.  It was actually beautiful, in a terrifying sort of way.  Black with blue shimmers, needle sharp point, and a mirror finish.  Nothing in the MOL books like it.  Cas looked at the stinger and shook his head.  "I hope that was the only one." 

I shuddered and grimaced at the thought. "You and me both."  He picked it up and turned it over thoughtfully. 

Cas looked at me with a squint. "Do you still have the cup of venom from Dean's back?  I have an idea." 

I nodded and replied, "It's in the freezer.  I didn't want it to go bad in case we needed it.  Why?" 

Cas glared at the stinger and made up his mind. "I want to borrow both, please. I'm going to see if anyone in Heaven can make an antidote for it.  I thought the poison would flush out over time, but that doesn't seem to be the case."

I nodded again in agreement. "Yes, good idea. We need a new plan of attack.  I'll get it."  I gave him the frozen cup in a big plastic bag and he wrapped up the stinger in a piece of heavy canvas.

Cas looked pleased and said, "I may not be back for a few days.  Sam and Dean seem stable enough - even if they are miserable. If there is a change for the worse, call me, of course. Otherwise, I will let you know after I get these examined."  I patted his arm and he disappeared in a flutter.

A few nights later, I was sound asleep for once - when I heard Dean.  Screaming.  I jumped straight out of bed and ran towards his room in a blind panic. My brain was a fuzzy blank and my heart thundered in my ears. I streaked into his room and flipped on the light. He was asleep, but clearly having a nightmare. I touched Dean's arm to wake him and immediately regretted that decision. In an instant, he was on his feet and had me pinned to the wall with his hands clutching my throat. I choked, "Dean! Wake up!" but he was throttling me so thoroughly, that it only came out as air. His pupils were pinpoints and he clearly wasn't seeing me.

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