Chapter 6: Shadow

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I had been gone most of the afternoon. It was supposed to be just a quick trip to the store, but I thought of five other things I needed to do.

When I got back to the bunker, I noticed Baby was gone.  Curious.  I got my shopping bags out of the red car and headed in.  I opened the door from the garage and came face to face with Dean. I jumped and dropped a bag. His face was furious. Arms crossed - he seemed to fill the entire hallway.  "Hey Dean. What's up?" I asked warily, as I bent down to get the bag.

"What's UP? Are you freaking kidding me?"  He was livid. 

I shrugged and said cautiously, "Yes. Why are you so upset?"  Dean's jaw clenched and he stretched out his hands to put one on each side of the hallway wall - effectively blocking me. I stood up straighter and looked him in the eye. I wasn't one to be bullied, even by Dean Winchester. I wasn't going to ask again, so I waited.

In a quiet, dangerous voice, he said, "You've been gone for hours and you weren't answering your phone. We thought something bad happened to you. Sam's out looking for you right now. I stayed here to see if you came back. WHY would you do that?" 

While he was talking, I reached into my back pocket and got out my phone. It was lit up with missed calls and texts. I cringed. "I'm sorry, Dean. It's on mute and I didn't know it. I just had some errands to run. That's all.  Nothing bad." I looked back up at him, but he was clearly not done with me. He thumped the side of his fist on the wall and closed his eyes.

"Damn it, Doll. That's a load of crap!  You can't do that to us!  Me and Sam were worried out of our minds. We aren't regular people! Anything could have grabbed you! You've GOT to tell us where you are, in case something bad happens." Apparently they'd been imagining all the things that could be lurking near the store.

"It was just an accident, Dean. I said I'm sorry. I'll be more careful with the mute button next time. Can I get by now?"  He didn't move. He glared at me and thumped his fist again. 

"You think this is a joke?  This is serious.  You hate when we don't check in, but it's ok if you don't?  That's crap, Doll!  And YOU know it." 

I was starting to get defensive and a little angry. "I do NOT think it's a joke. Believe me, I understand how worried you were, because I worry when I don't hear from you. I will be more careful, now let me by." He didn't move. His green eyes glittered with anger. 

I'd had enough. I chopped his elbow, so it would bend, and pushed by him. Dean was probably sorry that he and Sam had been teaching me self defense since they had recovered from their stings.

Quick as a flash, he pushed me against the wall and slammed both hands flat on the wall by my ears. They smacked loudly. I flinched and dropped my bags, but held his gaze. I knew he was just trying to startle me. "This can't happen again. Do you hear me?"  he roared. 

I narrowed my eyes and answered him. "Yes. I hear you. It is not your job to yell at me. Why do I feel like I'm speaking to John Winchester, even though I've never met the man?" 

Dean jerked back with wide eyes and pointed a finger at my face.  He took a sharp breath and said, "DON'T you EVER say that to me! NEVER compare me to him! I am nothing like my Dad!" I was instantly sorry for that, but didn't let it show. I lifted my chin just a touch in an effort to look down at him.

"Then don't be a bully. Let me go." 

He grabbed my shoulders and put his face about an inch from mine. "Promise me you'll check in. Or we'll stop doing it for you." 

I withered.  That would kill me if they were hunting and didn't let me know they were all right. I dropped my head and the fight left me. I swallowed and said, "Ok, Dean. Ok. I really am sorry. I won't forget." 

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