the sea

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"Congratulations! One of your dreams has finally come true!" 

War clapped cheerfully

"What is " One of my dreams again" ? "

Yin asked rubbing his temples

"This! The sea. You wanted to see it. I remembered. You're welcome"

"Right now I don't know If I want to kiss you or push you to ocean and let you drown"

"Can I pick? "


"Why are you sighing? Do you want to pick it yourself? "


"Come on, it's your day. Pick it. But I have a suggestion. I think you'd like that one yourself"

Yin massaged his temples and sighs again for another time.

"Ask meeee"

"About what? "

"I said I have a suggestion. Ask me"

"Okay. What do you suggest then "your highness" ? "

"I think... We could do both the push in the sea and the kiss! ya know.. underwater kiss. Aaaaa that's so romantic! "


"What? I thought you wanted to kiss me hmph"

"Be quiet at least for a few minutes please. I'm going to make a phone call"


"And don't do anything stupid. Stay here. Don't move"

"Yes Sir"

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