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Month have passed after their little encounter and Yin would sometimes remember the pretty face.

Yin is a busy man. And he was trained to take over his father's company since childhood so he never really had a fun like other kids had. The only friends ever he has were Prom, Bonz and Boun who were family close friends kids.

He has always been the perfect kid anyone could ask for but he's a very lonely kid and needed some spark in his life.

The 'spark' that been mentioned. Yin experienced it for the first time, when he met the certain pretty stranger.

"Why'd you let him go? " Bonz asked

"What? "

"I'm talking about your stranger-who-gave-you-sparksssssss"

Bonz emphasized on the 's', teasing Yin as he wriggle his eyebrows.

"I don't know... I couldn't just trap him there"

"You said he's running away from some men right? "

"Yes "

"Could it be he stole something? "

Yin chuckled as he remembered War.

"Wow I'm starting to get real curious here. Who is this stranger and what have done to you?"

"But what if he's really just some pickpocket? " Prom asked

"I don't think he look like someone who would steal" Yin replied

"How could you tell? "

"Well he just don't seemed like it"

"You're biased" Bons teased

"Totally whipped" Prom added

"No I'm not! " Yin insisted

"Shall we look for him? I can help "
Prom offered

but Yin hesitate to just look for him. He doesn't know what he'll do even if they find him.

He felt pathetic for being this way and for not being able to forget a stranger who he literally just met and spend only a few minutes with him.

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