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"Guys let's go eat something. I'm so hungry. My stomach is growling"

Bonz cried

"Yeah, lets. My stomach was growling the entire meeting too" 

Prom second, rubbing his growling belly.

After they eat dinner they decided to go for a  walk around the park. To be exact, Bonz and Prom decided and they drag Yin along.

"Where are we going? " Yin whines

"We're walking around" Prom replied

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry"

Yin apologize when he accidentally knocked someone.

"Aaaaaaaaa my Ice cream!! "

The person cried

"I'm so sorry kid, I'll buy you another one"
Yin panicked

"What's going on? "

Prom asked as him and Bonz walk towards the scene.

"He knocked down my Ice Creaaammm! "

The person cried again pointing Yin

"You... "
Yin whispers. Shocked, when he saw the said person.


"I'm not hey" War pouts

"War.. "

"Huh? "
Prom and Bonz said in unison.

War confusedly look up.
He stare at Yin for a few seconds

"Ah.. You're that handsome man"

"He said handsome man" Bonz giggled

What is he doing here? Yin thought, still speechless with the sudden interaction with the man he's been thinking about the whole past month.

"Are you thinking about what I'm doing here?"
War asked Yin

"Huh? Y-yeah.. "

"Buy me Ice cream"

Yin looks at him confusedly.

"You said you'll buy me another one"

"What are you doing here eating an Ice cream? Are you a kid? "
Yin scoffs

"Aaaa My Ice cream! "

War cried out like a little kid throwing tantrums.

"Hey hey I'm sorry I'm sorry"
Yin panicked

"Just buy him the Ice cream for him Yin"
Prom said

"You know what? Let's just all eat ice cream!"

Bonz suggest excitedly.

"Okay fine"
Yin gave up

War did a little happy dance swinging his legs as he eat his Ice cream as if there's nothing in this world that worries him.

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Now I'm craving some Ice creams 😭

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