the call

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Yin then light up his smoke when he left the 'No Smoking Area' and made a phone call.

"Yin where are you!? I couldn't reach you? Are you alive!? "

"Yes Prom, as you can hear me perfectly fine, I'm alive"

"What about those thugs? "

"They collided with some big trucks, I'd like to believe they lose track of us for now. We're pretty far right now. But we also crashed. My car's quite damaged"

"Far? Where are you? I'll come "

"Wait I'll send the location right now"


* location send *

"Oh? you're at the beach!?"

"Yeah... "

"Wait, didn't you always wanted to visit the beach? "


"You've always wanted to visit the beach but you never make time for it. And now, your car just happened to crash by the beach? Dude that's fate doing her work"


"Ah wasn't War with you? "

"Yeah he is"

"Ohh then find a place to stay for the night, hotels are usually nearby"

"Can't you just get us tonight? "

"No. Spend the night with your pretty boyfriend. You both need it. "

" Prom "

"I'll come pick you up tomorrow. Enjoy the night ~ "

"Prom "

"Wait but don't over do it. Be gentle na~ "

"PROM! "


Prom then hang up the call.

'This idiot'

Yin mutters under his breath.
Then he threw away his smoke and turned around to find that War was nowhere around.

'Another idiot! I told you not to move'

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