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"My name is War. I'm not a little boy. And thank you. Bye"

War said followed by his hands trying to open the car door but Yin was fast to lock the door.

"Hey hey hey not so fast honey"

"What do you want? "

"What do I want? Answer to my questions properly or I'll bring you to police station"

"Not to the police please"

"Why? Who were you running away from?"

"Uhh I stole something"


"Ask mee"

"Ask what? "

"I said I stole something. Ask me what it is"

"I don't want to know"

"I stole their heart..because as you can see I'm too pretty"

"Really? " Yin chuckled

"It's true"

"I'm sure it is..you can go out now"

"Really? "


"That's all? "


War looked at Yin with a doubtful look but slowly made a move to open the car door. Then he let himself out.

Yin drove away as soon as War got off.

"Aahh wait...  I forgot to ask his name.."

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He'll be the death of me | yinwar |Where stories live. Discover now