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Yin sprinted when he saw War slipped and drown in the sea. He wasted no time to take off his shoes and clothes. He dived right in as he shouted for War.

'War!! War!! '

He hugged War and carried him out from the water in his arms.

'I told you to get back. You don't even know how to swim. You didn't listen to me. Why are you so stubborn!?'
Yin shouted at War, who was unconscious in his arms.

Yin laid War on the ground, and then proceeded to perform CPR. As soon as he pressed his lips on War's, War kissed back.


War stopped Yin mid sentence as he placed another kiss on his mouth.

‘Shut up’ War smiled


‘Kiss me’

‘You just did though’

‘But I want you to kiss me’


‘You spoil me’

Yin chuckled as he leaned down to kiss War on his lips slowly and passionately.

‘Don’t you ever do that to me again!’
Yin scolded War

‘Which one?’

‘Wanarat’ Yin warned
‘What if I’m not here and no one saw you, You could’ve died. You’re lucky you’re alive, that was so dangerous!’

'Well,  what can I say? I'm a badass'


‘Okayy, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. I should’ve listened to you’

‘Good boy. Now come here’ Yin said, as he opened his arms for a hug to which War gladly accepted it.

The next day, Prom came to pick them up, he went in on them cuddling on their bed in the hotel room. Well, you might be wondering how Prom could easily just go inside their hotel room while they’re still asleep. So, basically, it’s because Prom owned the Hotel. And yeah, he forgot to share that little information to his friend because he“forgot”.

‘Oh My God! Get a Room!’ Prom’s loud voice woke up the “couple” who slept cuddling, arms around each other like vines, legs tangled and tousled hair

‘Shut the fuck up’ Yin groaned and War chuckled beside him.

‘We did get a room though P’Prom’

‘Oh..You’re right’

‘Why are you here so early in the morning?’ Yin asked, still not leaving the bed nor his hands leaving his precious beside him either.

‘Ow? It’s 1pm though’

‘What!? 1 pm? Dude, why didn’t you wake me up sooner’

‘Dude, please make up your mind’ Prom facepalmed

‘Don’t we have a meeting with Chaikamon?’ Yin asked

‘Ah yeah, that was cancelled on his end, he said he had some emergency’

‘So, then, can we go out?’ War asked

‘What do you have in mind?’ Yin asked

‘There seems to be some event going on just by the beach, There’s a lot of pop up shops and food, Shall we go there?’
Prom suggested

‘Yeah, that’s a good idea’ Yin nodded

‘So..a date?’ War asked peeking at Yin

‘Sure’ Yin smiled

‘Oh, so you don’t want me here?’
Prom pouts

‘We didn’t say that, we just called it a date’

‘Same difference. Well, I don’t care, you can have a date all you want, I’m still gonna tag along hmph’

‘Okay’ Yin chuckled

‘Why are you staring at me?’
War asked after a few minutes of feeling Yin’s eyes on him.

‘Can’t I?’

‘You can..’

‘I’m just thinking’, said Yin



‘Me? What is there to think about?’
War asked

‘Alot, actually’


‘Like how you’re so pretty’  War giggled

‘And how I turned out liking you a lot more than I originally planned'

‘I’m just that awesome’
War raised his head proudly

‘You are, but- ‘

Yin got interrupted by a kiss on his lips.

‘I love you…Anan’ War smiled at him and Yin realised he’s already down so bad for War.

'I love you. You enormously stubborn pain in the ass' Yin then kissed him back.

‘Ugh, fine! I’m not tagging along!’ Prom whined in the background.


                            ×    ×    ×     ×     ×


Hi, How is everyone?
How's life been treating you?

I am truly so sorry for being IA. I wasn't in the mood to write anything for a long time.

Since there's still few of you who support my stories. Your votes and comments motivated me a lot to the point that I could force myself to suddenly write it again. And I just really really wanted to continue them for you. I'm sure you might not be satisfied with the plot nor how it ended. But I just really need to complete it, plus this was just a short story to begin with, so I hope you understand.

I love reading all your comments so leave them a lot. And I really love receiving your love and support messages. You can always leave them on my timeline, comments or on dms. I appreciate them a lot.

Thank you so much for supporting!



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