Chapter 7

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Hello, Hello! You, my fellow readers, are just amazing with your kind response to the story. I appreciate every feedback you guys give me so much! It truly makes putting off my never-ending homework to write that much more worth it. So thank you all for the sweet motivation that you take the time to write me :) Anyways, so here is the next chapter and I hope you all like it as much I did! Enjoy!:)

Sean's P.O.V.

The first thing I can think is of her warmth. Not just in her eyes and smile, but in the touch that seems to fit perfectly in my large, calloused hands.

And as much as I want to turn my hand, just slightly, and grasp her as gently as she is caressing me, I know it wouldn't be right.

Just a few interactions. That is all it took for me to realize Claire Shivers is one of the best people on this planet.

And it took even less time for me to realize that all the crap I carry with me doesn't deserve her. I shouldn't encourage her into thinking we can be friends, or more. It wouldn't be fair to her.

I'm brought out of my thoughts as my routine hospital nurse walks into the room muttering under her breath as she glances at a clipboard in her hands. My eyes travel to her figure as Claire continues to gaze at me.

"Mr. Lawrence, I hope you are feeling more like your normal self. Are you excited to leave?"

"Yes, ma'am." I respond with a small smirk.

She puts her clipboard down on my bed before reaching towards my wound. "Now, sweetie, you'll have to help him with cleaning this. I've seen him try on his own and believe me, it is not a pretty sight."

What the hell is she talking about?

"You're lucky you have such a devoted girlfriend, Sean."

My jaw slightly drops as I realize she is directing her words towards  Claire who is still holding my hand in hers.

"Um, Nurse..." I trail off trying to read her nametag for the first time since she has been assigned to me. "Nurse Dawes, I think you have the wrong idea."

Her eyes widen as she glances down towards our hands. "Oh my goodness. My apologies. "You're lucky you have such a devoted fiance, Sean." She chuckles.

I furrow my brows together before realization dawns on me. That freaking purity ring.

"N- no, she is-"

"So, when you go to take off the current bandaging," Nurse Dawes continues as she ignores my attempts to clarify her on the subject. I try to tug my hand from Claire's, but she only grips me tighter. I attempt to pull away a few more times, but Claire is being frustratingly stubborn. Not wanting to cause a scene, I stop fighting her. "Be sure to remove it slowly. Even the slightest movements can be painful to the area surrounding the wound. It is still pretty sensitive." Nurse Dawes begins to unwind the gauze bandaging as she lectures Claire on the other specifications to my injury. Completely pointless seeing as how Claire will have absolutely nothing to do with me after today. I'm cutting her out before we both get in too deep.

As the nurse cleans the wounds, I close my eyes and wince slightly at the pain. Though it is much less than before, it is still uncomfortable. I feel Claire rub her thumb across my palm slowly. I focus on that movement, avoiding my previous thoughts to ignore the girl sitting next to me.

Nurse Dawes continues to tell Claire more information, but my mind is already gone and all I can focus on is the sheer comfort that the smallest touch from Claire brings. It can't be humanly possible for someone to have this affect on me. If I was being honest, not even Emily gave me this feeling. I feel... safe.

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