Chapter 8

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Hi there my fellow readers! I appreciate you guys more than you know! And for those of you that are continuing to read or have just happened on this story, please let me know your thoughts. It defiantly helps motivate me to write and update quicker when I have all your great support! :) Anyways, I absolutely adore this chapter. I think it is my favorite so far. We're staying with Sean's perspective for this one and you all will see why very soon. ;) I hope you like this chapter since it took a lot out of me. Enjoy my fellow readers!

                        Sean's P.O.V.

I realize I've been taking all these precautions to keep myself from falling too deep into the hole Claire's presence has dug up for me, but it is just too massive. I'm trying to walk around the hole only to be met with rough terrain that I can't walk through. I'm trying to jump over it and that is clearly impossible without falling in. I try to ignore it and just stay where I am, but I realize that is just counterproductive. How can I move forward if I'm staying in the same spot?

I realize that there is no way to escape but to turn around and walk away. Try and take a different path. I can see myself peering over the hole and see Claire's mesmerizing eyes and addicting smile looking back up at me. I shake my head internally. Turning around means leaving Claire here and never coming into contact with her again.

What kind of idiot would make that decision?

An idiot like you.

Can't deny my conscious is right. All I've been doing since meeting Claire is lashing out at her and jerking her around. I've been a complete jerk and she's still willing to not only be around me, but help me as well. I remember Bryan telling me that Claire's nickname in high school was something like Saint Claire. Well crap, those kids knew what they were talking about it.

Claire is a saint. But that still doesn't do it. It doesn't describe the fact that her simple presence is enough to brighten up the darkest of people. It brightens me. And damn, when she smiles, she full on glows. No, saint doesn't do Claire Shivers justice.

The only word that comes to mind is angel.

Claire Shivers is an angel.

And I, Sean Lawrence, have damned myself to the fires of personal hell.

The contrast is so apparent.

Claire wears bright clothing. I prefer the color black. Claire smiles at anything and anyone fortunate enough to come in contact with her. I have a fixed frown that only the rarest of events of people curves into a smile. Claire goes out of her way to help people. I only hurt them.

Even a blind man can see she deserves better than I could ever offer her.

And even though I know this, I want nothing but to crush her to me and finally relinquish my curiosity and feel the softness of her lips on mine to know what she tastes like.

"Hmmm..."I trail off as I put on a pensive expression. "I don't know what I can offer you that equates with saving my life."

She giggles aloud and I feel the sound engraving itself into my senses for me to replay long after she is gone. "Dinner would suffice," she says.

I feel my eyebrows shoot up in shock. "Dinner?"

She glances down at the counter as the familiar blush of hers makes itself known once again. "I'm kind of hungry," she admits, " And since it looks like we're both alone, the company wouldn't hurt."

I smirk at how she is trying to justify us going out to dinner. Little does she know that no explanation is required. I can sense her apprehension as she glances up at me with wide eyes. She's clearly weary that she crossed the very, very fragile line I drew out for her over the past few days. "What are you craving?" I ask her.

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