Chapter 15

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Hi there you beautiful, wonderful readers! Wow, you guys never cease to amaze me with your generous response and reviews to this story. A special thanks to all you reviewers! Honestly, you guys are the best and words cannot describe how much each and every review you write means to me. I am so, so, so happy and glad that you all are loving Take A Bullet! Sorry this update took a little while, but the chapter is long and I wanted it to be perfect! This one is very important. ;) Have I sparked your interest yet? I'll let you get on with reading. I love you all and thanks again! Enjoy! :)

                                                      Sean's P.O.V.

I sigh while I take off my shirt and throw it onto the ever growing pile on my bed. My eyes land on the healing wound on my arm. It's been a while since the bullets first penetrated my skin and I owe a thank you to modern medicine for making my arm as good as new. There is still some bruising, but I've been able to work out and move it with ease. Although my shoulders ache everyday from having to carry the weight of my pack around, even when I'm on runs. I sigh to myself as I realize my anxiety isn't getting any better.

Bryan on the other hand felt enormous pain after our run. Turns out his wounds hadn't healed as fast as mine and the physical exertion wasn't the best idea. I felt terrible for dragging him out with me, but a few prescribed pain killers and some rest had made him his same old self. Or well, as good as someone with wounds as tough as his can be.

I hear chuckling from next to me. I glance to the doorway of my bedroom.

"What?' I ask Bryan.

He nods towards my pile of clothes. "Nothing to wear?"

I groan. "Nothing seems to look good."

"Bro, nothing ever looked good on you. You're just starting to realize it." He laughs as he teases me.

I glare at him before shaking my head and bringing my attention back to my closet. "Is that what you're wearing?' I ask in reference to his dark washed jeans and navy blue button up dress shirt.

"Christine picked it out. I guess she's wearing a matching colored dress," Bryan replies.

I freeze and turn to him. "Shit, am I supposed to match Claire?" I walk over to the pile I've made over the past hour and rummage through it. "Crap," I mutter. "I didn't even think of that."

"Sean, calm down. It's not a big deal," Bryan says. "Why are you freaking out?"

I stop my movements and look up at him. "I just want everything to be perfect. Claire deserves that." I hold up one of my dark grey dress shirts. "I really like her Bryan. When I'm around her, all I can think about is getting her to kiss me," I mumble the last part.

"Took you long enough," Bryan states in a matter of fact tone. "I swear I'd have to gauge my eyes out if I had to hear more 'Sean needs to make a move' talk from Christine."

"What are you talking about?" I ask him.

"Man, it's been a few weeks now. You've been going snail pace."

I purse my lips together. "I just haven't been ready."

"And you are now?"

I breathe heavily before taking a seat on my bed. "No," I shake my head. "I'm a mess. I don't sleep so I walk around like a fucking zombie. I can't go anywhere without that stupid backpack. Emily shows up in my nightmares all the time." I run a hand over my face. "But I can't push Claire away anymore. She's too damn important now."

Bryan takes a seat next to me and place his hand on my shoulder. "If you want Claire, go get her. This is about you and her. It's not about the crap we saw in Iraq. It's not about Emily. It's not about what anyone else wants. What do you want?"

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