Chapter 9

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Hi there wonderful people! Oh boy, do you guys rock my socks or what? The reads I get for the whole story is so overwhelming and humbling. I would like to give a shout out to Xx_onlyhuman_xx for taking the time to leave me such motivating reviews! I normally don't do shoutouts like these , but I was overjoyed at all the response that it only seems fit to do so. :) Just a quick thanks for loving Nurse Dawes .I figure she deserves a cameo role for all her work in bring our lovely SeClaire together in the story, no? And don't worry, she's not going anywhere. :P his chapter brings us back to Claire as some things need to be established, but I assure you, SeClaire goodness awaits us. So please enjoy! :)

                      Claire's P.O.V.

I let out a sigh of content as I smile to myself while leaning onto the wall of the elevator as it soars to the seventh floor where my room is. Tonight was... exciting? Enjoyable? Exhilarating?

Yes it was all those things, but the only word that works to encompass all my thoughts right now is enchanting. I'm enchanted by Sean Lawrence. I'm mesmerized by his green eyes that, by chance, flicker with emotions before closing him up again. I'm fascinated by his ability to partake in carefree banter one second and push me away the next. I'm captivated by his current struggle in a way that draws me towards him to help.

Face it. You are in like with him.

And I am. How can I not be? If someone evokes so much response from me, how can I not desire them? But the same amount that Sean draws me in, he shuts me out. I don't want to push so I'm allowing him to dictate the pace our... friendship, relationship, whatever you want to call it goes. But today, we were able to progress a good amount. He initiated contact. I can feel my senses tingle at the memory of him curving his hand into mine. I felt... safe. Sean's large hand covered mine in a protective, sensitive way. Although I was the one giving him support, he was the one giving me butterflies.

But if I was being honest, watching Sean in a trance from his flashback and not being able to get through to him terrified me. I was so lost as to what to do. I just thank God that it didn't last long. I wonder what he was seeing and what triggered it. All I know so far from the few interviews I've done is that PTSD is an anxiety disorder that comes with flashbacks and nightmares. I shudder at the thought of how much of a struggle it must be to be forced to live within the confine of your mind. I've had a glimpse of this after the Hunter incident. I fought against the imprisonment his sexual harassment forced me into for so long. He pushed me to edge and I almost fell off. But I didn't. I only hope Sean is strong enough to do the same.

And I know without a doubt he is. If he knows that he is... now that is a completely different story.

I hear the doors open and I walk down the hallway towards my room when I spot two very familiar looking figures participating in a steamy make out in front of my door.

I chuckle inwardly before coming to a stop in front of them. I clear my throat loudly and they quickly break apart.

"Claire!" Spencer exclaims while panting. "Where were you?"

I laugh. "Hello to you too," I respond jokingly. "Hi Chloe," I direct my attention to Spencer's long term girlfriend before giving her a quick hug. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We're here to help you move in tomorrow," Spencer says with a smile. "Mom and Dad sent us with the truck and all your stuff."

"You didn't have to do that, but thank you." I smile at the two of them.

"So where were you this whole time? We've been waiting for hours," Spencer complains.

I hear Chloe scoffs from next to him. "Hours? Hardly. Don't listen to him. We just got here a little while ago."

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