[Chapter 4]

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Chapter 4: A Break From Chaos


"Are you done having an existential crisis?"

     "No," You shush him and wait for a few seconds. Then you slap yourself. "Okay I'm done now."

     "Great! because we need to keep moving!" Ethan rips the arrow out of his leg, and throws it at the river.

     "To Luiza's—" He takes a bandage and begins wrapping it on his left hand. "Ooh uh take your time with the fingers. I'll just be here—not looking." He finishes and stands up, you check his hand and it's at least bearable to look at now.

     You're bewildered by the fact you're still alive, plus points for having no injuries. Ethan is well... Ethan fucking Winters, always getting his hands fucked up one way or another. He taps your shoulder and points toward the gate.

     A crone holding a staff turns around and slowly walks inside. The cane they hold loudly jingles with every step they take.

     "W-wait!" You both pursue the old lady, and arrive at the gate. The two of you watch her drag and draw something on the ground. With your elbow, you nudge Ethan signaling him to talk to her. He approaches her and hears her mutter words.

     "In life and in death, we give glory..."

     "Uh, hello? You shouldn't be out here. It's not safe." She ignores Ethan and continues drawing on the dirt. "What the hell? Hey, can you hear me?"

     "It's you? The child's father. And a lost soul." She grins grimly while eyeing you down.

     "Child? Hey, wait-do you mean Rose? Is she here?"

     "Rose, Rose, yes! She is in great danger. Since Mother Miranda brought her to the village, we have fallen into darkness!"

     "What are you talking about? The monsters?—" The bells ring once again, you stare at the castle on the mountain.

     "The castle bell heralds danger! They're coming!"

     "No, wait! Where's Rose? Who's Mother Miranda?" He lifts his arm but you stop him.

     "The bell tolls for us all! They're coming again!" She laughs maniacally before leaving and locking the gate. You're both left standing there confused as fuck.

     "Crazy old hag... going to commit suicide I see. Wait—you have a child?" You treasure your trash memory but did he have a kid in RE7? Or was there a timeskip, if so, how long has it been since the last game?

     "Yeah... she was taken from me after Mia got... Chris... and the car crash..." Ethan covers his face with his hand.

     "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold your horses, terribly sorry for asking such a sensitive question."

     He deeply sighs and shakes his head. "It's okay, you don't know what happened. Okay time to continue we can't just stand here after an old hag stumped us with riddles." He trudges forward and you remember this place, it was where you were before the Lycan attack.

     "I know this place."

     "Really? Can you lead the way?"

     "I said I know this place, not the entire village." Ethan rolls his eyes and approaches the statue.

     "Do you know who Mother Miranda is?"

     "I've only been here for a couple of hours and as far as I know she's like their deity—god or whatever... Look over there, it's a house full of candles." The duo comes into the house, you get sick after entering and discovering a strange magical symbol on the floor. "What the fuck, is that a weirdly shaped pentagram to summon a demon or some shit?"

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