[Chapter 7]

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Things Are Actually Real


"The journey to my castle normally doesn't take this long. I would have a carriage waiting for me outside yet Mother Miranda instructed us to get rid of everyone, even my servants. A shame really, but anything for my dearest mother." Lady Dimetrescu rants, she spares a glance and smiles sinisterly. "Though I did obtain such a lovely gift."

     You follow behind the tall woman, eyes fixated at her... dress. Whatever chance of getting away you have dissipates, attempting to escape her would all end in vain. So you follow like a dog on a leash. Your heart sinks when you pass through the village, she seems delighted in smelling the blood of the dead.

     It's a quiet walk for her, for you, it's an exhausting experience trying to catch up to her pace. When you arrive at the castle you're left in a state of awe and amazement. Holy shit. The castle looks huge from afar but being in front of it simply made it gigantic. Before you get in she stops in front of a shack and the door opens.

     "Good Morning m'lady. How may I help you?"

     "Ah yes Duke just in time, Mother Miranda has gifted castle Dimetrescu a fine lady for the ceremony." You remember this guy! Just like RE4 you were informed that RE8 would also have a merchant. "Now then, I would like to sell some goods. Would you mind dear?"

     "Uh, what?" You snap out of your thoughts, the duke smiles at you, waiting for your offer. Dumbfounded, you ask a question. "W-what do I have to give?"

     Lady Dimetrescu clicks her tongue in annoyance, "You have no need for these foolish little toys in your new home. Now, hand them to the duke."

     Your weapons? You hesitate and look up and meet her eyes, deep within that facade are the eyes of a wolf ready to pounce at you at any moment. You shakily pull out the pistol and walk over to the merchant. He stays silent as he takes the gun from you.

     "Is that all?" She raises a brow, and you nod. The Lady smirks and crouches to your level "Any weapons you have left will be used against you, so is that all darling?"

     That... isn't good. You sigh in defeat and take out your knife, the duke accepts it.

     "That's all I have." The bullets are an exception unless they'd feed it to you.

     "Good girl, wouldn't want that deep into your flesh would you?" The merchant pulls out a bag of money, "I have no need for the lei duke. Consider this as a free gift." He bows as she walks away, but for a moment he studies you. Taking notes in whatever the hell you have that's suddenly piqued his interest. You gulp and ignore him, following the tall vampire.

     Lady Dimetrescu opens the door and you run inside. The interior design stumps you yet again, it's beautiful yet eerie. Because of its dark and gloomy aura, with many candles scattered around the room. It feels like the church minus the small space.

     You take one step forward and bugs start to swarm. You swat them away but flinch as one lands on your hand. Laughs echoed and you realize what this is, it's the 3 daughters from the demo! You remember that Dimetrescu and her 3 daughters oh so love ostracising men, how would they treat you? A woman.

     "Mother, welcome back!" A voice greets and a hand slides on your shoulder sending shivers down your spine.

     "Ooh! And who's this?" Another one says as the 3 form their bodies out of thin air, wearing black dresses and robes. They look at you with hunger in their eyes.

     "My beautiful daughters, it's so nice to see you. Greet our guest, Mother Miranda has gifted her to us." They all hugged Dimetrescu before flying back to you. Someone grabs your hand and brings it up to her face, licking it and grinning. You swallow a gasp and pull away, they all cackle at your sorry state.

     "Daniela let me do it first!"

     "But we can always share Cassandra!" Share what? A dumbfounded expression is visible on your face. With fear you take steps back and hit Lady Dimetrescu's front.

     "Now, now, girls, we mustn't start our dinner so soon. The gift would be opened at dinnertime" You stop, with the sudden realization. She clicks her tongue and looks down upon you, "don't look at us like that, I promise you it isn't that bad. Girls if you may please."

     Cassandra takes out a sickle and stabs it into your wrist, the sudden shock makes you fall onto your knees. As much as this was a game, the pain, the feelings, and the people were very much real. A scream escapes your mouth, the vampires chuckle and enjoy your suffering.

     "She smells so sweet if only I could taste. I can't wait anymore, mother can I."

     "Patience Bela, in a few hours you can take any piece you would like." Bela no longer protests before she leans into your face and licks your ear.

     "I can't wait." She whispers, "let's go don't want to disappoint mother would we?" She disperses into bugs and grabs your foot, a sudden relief she didn't use her sickle. Panic returns when they start to fly, carrying you with them.

     The girls were ruthless, not minding you as you hit every piece of furniture. Your head spins as they pass through various halls and doors laughing madly at the sounds you make. You didn't notice the fact you're in a dungeon with cells.

     "Daniela open it." Bela orders as Daniela obliges. She opens the door and they throw you into the free space.

     You hit the wall with a thud and grimace in pain, an acrid smell permeates the dungeon, making your stomach twist and head ache more. "We best be off, as much as we want to have fun with you. Mother would be so disappointed if we disobeyed her."

     "See you later sweetie!" Out of nowhere, Cassandra padlocks the cell as they leave in a blink of an eye.


     You fall and sit down. Shit, Ethan is dead, you're locked in a cell waiting to be dinner for the cannibals. And what can you do? Nothing. Without your weapons and strength to find an opening, it's all useless.

     You clutch your hand that's throbbing and furiously bleeding from the wound.

     I guess Ethan's curse transferred to me. God this fucking hurts. Your body aches from that trip you took, bruises and cuts were all over your legs and arms. There must be a way out of here.

     So you think.


How long have you been staring at the wall? Awaiting for your impending doom? You wonder what will happen after you die. Does a game over screen appear or do you disappear from this world without a trace?

     Thoughts swarm your head overpowering the excruciating pain in your wrist. You think about the thousands of possibilities you're going to get killed, you snap out of your thoughts the moment you hear footsteps. Shit was it already nighttime that quick? This wasn't a really bad way to die, though the slaughter would be a tad bit painful.

     "Stupid piece of shit!" A male voice echoes. You light up, knowing who this is. "Can't seem to get a break with everything in my life."

     "Ethan! Is that you?" The shooting stops, then the footsteps louden, following your voice. "In here you dumb fuck!" You put your healthy hand out and wave it. The man runs towards you, and it's Ethan.

     You calm down and smile, finally, your friend isn't dead. Wait, how did he survive?

     "I-I can't believe you're alive! I thought they'd killed you already... Stand back." He grabs his shotgun and you scoot away. He shoots at the lock, freeing you. Ethan kicks it open and swiftly grabs your arm and pulls you out of the cell.

     "Hold on budd—" His arms suddenly wrap around you in a tight squeeze, you pat his back in return. "Yeah, yeah miss you too. Thanks for keeping your promise."

     "Say, what is your name?"

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