[Chapter 6]

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A Gracious Family Meeting


"What's with old people always fucking us up... Ethan?"

     Ethan groans while the old hobo drags you through the tunnel. At least the metal that fucked you both up earlier is now gone.

     "Quit your whining: we're almost there!

     Out of nowhere, your view turns black again.


"While the man is of no real use to anyone else. And my daughters do so love... entertaining foreigners." You whine, leg still burning from the pain. "Furthermore, I can assure you if you entrust the other mortal to House Dimitrescu, my daughters and I shall deliver to you the finest cups of his slaughtered blood."

     Wait? Dimetrescu? You shoot right up and open your eyes. Holy shit there she is! Sitting in a huge chair and smoking. An idiotic smile threatens to curve up your face, she's just sitting but is already taller than you.

     Ethan is beside you knocked out, shivers run down your spine when you notice a creepy ass doll sitting at your shoulder and braiding your hair.

     "Hello there, pretty girl! Your hair is incredibly soft. You would've been such a great addition to our dolls!"

     You swat her away, "What the fuck! Get off of me!" the doll jumps down and giggles maniacally.

     "Angie you w-woke her up..." You audibly gasp when you see this thing walking towards you. Suddenly you feel Ethan move. The deformed freak turns to look at him, Angie shifts her attention and shoves him away.

     "Out of the way, ugly! I want to see—oh! He's awake!"

     The fish creature begins to whine clearly offended by Angie's statement.

     "Both of you, shut the fuck up!" The old dude with the hammer shouts. He was sitting right across Dimetrescu. The fish silently retreats while the doll walks over to the lady with a black veil.

     Shit! These are the four people in the portraits from the church.

     "What...? Where...?" Ethan finally wakes up and turns to you. "You're alright... I thought we died."

     "Same, but what do these people want?"

     "...Give him to me and I'll put on a show that everybody can enjoy. Besides you've already got the bitch why would you want the man!" Heisenberg declares. You try to work that brain of yours and it seems like they're fighting over ownership for the two of you? Shit. Heisenberg just said Dimetrescu already "owns" you. Ethan is now being auctioned like some rich item.

     "Oh, so gauche. What do we care for bread and circuses? The manthing's suffering is assured, regardless."

     "Yack, yack. And if a man's dick is cut off in the castle—blah, blah, blah!"

     They were stopped by the lady in the middle wearing holy—church clothes? Long white robes.

     "I've heard all your arguments. Some of you were less persuasive than others. Alcina, what he said is true, the girl was already given to you. but... I've made my decision." She points at the old dude. "Heisenberg. The man's fate is in your hands."

     "Mother Miranda, I must protest! Heisenberg is but a child, and his devotion to you is questionable. Give the other mortal to me, and I will ensure he is ready."

     "Shut your damn hole!" The floor rumbles as the hammer flies to his hand. "And don't be a sore loser! You got the other bitch for dinner already!'

     "Quiet now, child! Adults are talking. You're making quite a circus for our guests." She points to you, sadly you can't contain a snort.

     "I'm the child? You're the greedy bitch who's arguing with Miranda's decision! Also, she's definitely laughing at you and not at me!"

     "You wouldn't know responsibility if it was welded to that hammer!"

     "Oh, keep growing, one day your head might actually fit your ego!"

     "Fight, fight, fight, fight!" Angie shouts.

     "Hey, don't we get a say in this?" Ethan mumbles.

     "SILENCE!" Miranda ceases the arguing and spreads her 6 black wings. "My decision is final, there will be no argument. Remember from whence you came!"

     "Thank you," Heisenberg bows. In a split second his friendly demeanor changes. "Hurry up and take your damn price!"

     Lady Dimitrescu resentfully leaves and approaches you. God, she's so fucking tall.

     "Shush!" She crouches and leans to your face, "Hello dear, seems like you've found yourself a better fate than what your man friend has." She tugs your arm and glares at Heisenberg. He snaps his fingers and the chains holding you down lightens. Dimetrescu pulls you like a child who made their mom angry.

     Ethan panics when he sees you taken away from him. The tall vampire doesn't sit back on her chair but walks beside the girl with the veil. She pats your head like a brand new pet while Angie squeals.

     Heisenberg spins on the spot and a crowd of Lycans gathers around him.

     "Took your damn time." He clears his throat. "Lycans and gentlemen, we thank you for waiting! And now let the games begin!" He crouches and stares at Ethan's face. "Let's see what you're really made of, Ethan Winters. Get ready!"

     "No, wait!" Heisenberg, however, only smashes the floor. Lycans gather around Ethan, anticipating him like a meal. Heisenberg begins to count down by 10. "I-I'll come back for you!" He shouts before jumping into the hole.

     "Oh so heroic, manthings. Don't worry dear, he won't touch you again." You gulp.

     Ethan quickly finds some kind of hole in the floor and jumps into it. The Lycans follow his every step. You watch as Ethan gets fucked up by his traps, the beasts make it worse for him. After Heisenberg's torture, everything stops.

     "And he's dead."  

     What?! Ethan can't die now! He's the protagonist for fucks sake. Your mouth hangs open after finding out the news.

     "See I told you staying with me is the better choice," Dimetrescu sighs and pats your head again. They all turn to Mother Miranda.

     "Remember to safeguard your flasks until dawn. Then the ceremony shall begin. You are dismissed."

     "Yes, Mother Miranda." They thank her in chorus before Miranda spreads her wings and leaves the church. The veiled girl and the Fishman leave without any last words. Angie waves you goodbye before going limp. Heisenberg walks towards you and whispers in your ear.

     "Hey, girlie getting thrown with Ethan is probably the better option between you and me." He chuckles lightly before waving and leaving the place.

     A hand grabs your chin and forces you to lookup.

     "Don't listen to the dirty little pest. Come now darling, your new home, Castle Dimetrescu awaits."


AN: Wassup! I'm still sick but I will try my best to update now that I got my laptop to work again. Anyways after I finish this book I'm totally going to rewrite this and add some more. Goodbye!

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