03 : First wave.

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"I told you to leave me alone."

Yoongi sighed at the other end of the phone.

"I'm not giving up on you Yoo-Yoo, come on.. I want to make amends to you so we can move forward."

Yoomi let out a small chuckle, feeling her head getting heavier as all the thoughts started to get back to her, everything she's gone through in three years with Yoongi.

"Make amends ? Yoongi-yah, do you realize how much you have to be apologized for ?"


"Again, really ?"

Yoongi sighed across the phone as Yoomi bit her lower lip nervously.

"I'm sorry Yoo-Yoo, work is kicking my ass these days.. I've already told you that it might get difficult at times you know.."

She sighed too, putting her phone on her dresser as she put her hair up in a clip, ready to remove her makeup.

"Yeah but I feel like you could've told me sooner 'Gi-yah, I was already dressed up." She answered.

"I get that it might be frustrating for you.. Don't get me wrong, I was really looking forward to spend time with you but we're nearing comeback season and-"

"Hey it's alright, you have work to do and either ways, I have assignments to complete so.. It's alright." She reassured him in her usual calm voice.

Yoongi sighed at the other end of the phone as Yoomi took off her clothes, switching for pajamas.

"Mimi you know that I see you, right ?" Yoongi asked, licking his lips as he leaned closer to the phone to look at her.

"And ?" She answered carelessly.

She understood her boyfriend's work, truly, but she couldn't help her disappointment.

She spent hours looking for the right outfit, doing the perfect makeup and style her hair cutely for Yoongi to cancel at the last minute.

"You know I don't like when you're mad at me Mimi, I'm sorry, really." Yoongi said , with a sigh. ".. Do you wanna come to the Genius Lab ?"

"I have assignments Yoongi-yah." She answered in a mutter.

"You can just come and do them here while I do what I have to do and then we can order takeout and drive around the city, you'd like that ?" He proposed.

Yoomi smiled, looking at him on the screen.

"You should've told me before I took off my makeup !" She said with a chuckle.

Yoongi smiled, happy to see that he lift up her mood and that she wasn't upset anymore.

"You're the prettiest without makeup, Yoo-Yoo."

End of flashback

"That was nothing Yoo-Yoo, you can't leave me for that." Yoongi sighed at the other end of the phone, knowing well work wasn't the only problem but trying to make everything prettier than it really is.

Yoomi laughed in disbelief, throwing her head back to calm her nerves.

"If you're gonna pretend you didn't do shit, I'd rather hang up.. I'll come pick up my stuff soon." She answered.

"You're not taking anything with you, this is our house, you belong here with me." Yoongi said in a very serious tone.

He didn't want her to go.

He knew what he had done to her, but still, he refused to let her go.

"If you didn't do half of the shit that you've done, we wouldn't be in this situation."



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