11 : Under-appreciated.

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Yoongi sat next to the hospital bed, looking at Yoomi's small inanimated body.

The doctors said she'll be fine.

She might wake up today, tomorrow or in three days, but she will, her body is just recovering.

Yoongi's eyes were empty, guilt getting to him.

He knew he was behind all of that, he knew she wasn't dealing well with the breakup.
After all, a relationship of three years with a marriage planned, suddenly blown away like that.. It was hard to recover from that.

All the things he did ran through his head, but one thing in particular always came to his mind.

The thing he did that blew up the vase, the cup too overfilled to just spill.

The day he made the biggest mistake that lead to this situation : both of them in despair, Yoomi on an hospital bed.

He systematically cheated on her on Tours, but she always closed her eyes.

Until he fucked the wrong person.

Her best friend, Bong-Cha.


"You.. You did.."

"I told you it's not me !" Yoongi argued.

Yoomi was shaking, tears falling down her cheeks.

"I know what you sound like when you're moaning Yoongi stop lying !" She yelled, throwing her phone at him, which he received on the middle of his face.

"Oh so you're being violent now ?" He scoffed.

She lifted her head to him, gripping the kitchen counter.

"This is funny to you ?! Tell me what the hell have I ever did to you Yoongi-yah ! I tried.. So fucking hard with you, I always ignored things that I should've paid attention to because I always prioritized you before myself !"

Yoongi took a deep breath.

"I cut off friends for you, I let you cheat on me while you're away.. For fuck's sake, I even fought with my family about you ! I fucking abandoned the job of my dreams for you, I gave up a child that I wanted for you, and when I thought you were acknowledging that, you go and fuck the only friend I have while you're in Seoul, am I not enough for you ?"


"Am I not enough for you Yoongi-yah ?! Where was I ever lacking ?!" She yelled at him, throwing a kitchen cut board at him.

"Stop throwing things at me !" He raised his voice, getting annoyed.

"Stop throwing my heart in a blender then ! Stop playing with me ! Stop being so fucking selfish !" She clapped back.

Yoongi stayed silent, simply looking at her as she let her head fall, gripping the kitchen counter.

"You know what ? Fuck this, fuck you, I'm leaving."

"Where ?" He asked, following her with his eyes.

She laughed out of nervosity, looking at him again.

"Away from you ! I do not want to be with you anymore !"


"You can't keep taking without giving back !" She cut him off still yelling.

She walked towards their shared bedroom, Yoongi jogging after her.

"I'm doing my best ! You knew who I was before getting with me !" He argued.

She scoffed, grabbing a random suitcase.

"I didn't know the real you apparently, and what you're calling your best isn't enough.. Yoongi-yah, you're twenty-seven, act like it."

He stayed silent, watching her laugh nervously, tears streaming down her face as she slowly turned to him, looking at him in the eyes.

He could despair in her pupils, her dark orbs deprived of any light, any happiness.

Yoongi picked up a flower and removed all of her petals, there was no going back now.

"You can't keep destroying people for fun Yoongi-yah.."

End of flashback

Yoongi hid his face in his palms, feeling his throat going dry.

'You can't keep destroying people for fun Yoongi-yah'

It kept playing in his mind, it kept repeating itself every day since she left him.

How much was he planning to take from her ? To test her limits ?

He felt guilty and alone.

Guilty because he knew she was there for him when he felt alone.

He regretted not loving her enough, not holding her tight enough, not respecting her enough.

At the end, he was the one lacking, he wasn't enough.

Enough wasn't even the right words to describe how unqualified he was to have her.

He didn't deserve her, she didn't deserve all of this.

Yoongi was at fault for her misery now. She had no money and nothing to her name, everywhere she went she had to hear about BTS, about him.

She had nothing because she gave him everything.


"Where the hell am I ?" A faint voice was heard, making him jerk his head up.

Yoomi looked around the room with curiosity, soon coughing and massaging her throat.

Yoongi immediatly gave her a bottle of warm water that was besides her to hydrate herself.

She didn't even realized at first, thanking him and gulping down the liquid.

"Are you okay, how do you feel ?" Yoongi asked, looking at her with worried eyes.

She finally looked at him, furrowing her eyebrows.

".. Who are you ?"

The doctors had already warned Yoongi that she might experience short term memory loss, so he wasn't much worried.

"I'm Yoongi.. Someone you used to love way too much for who he is."



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