King Ginga

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"Ginga Cross Shoot!" The beam fired and destroyed Thunder Darambia, thus eliminating the last kaiju that his forces were having trouble with. They didn't have trouble with a small group of them per se, but there was an overwhelmingly large number that they had to deal with. These numbers have only been increasing. 

The field commander, Jean-Nine, had went up to Ginga at camp after the battle and bowed briefly. "Ginga. We appreciate your help with this. We didn't know their numbers had amassed so drastically over the past couple of days."

Ginga nodded. "That necessitated my need to be on the field myself. I cannot bear the thought of losing even a single one of you out here. Even though you are all soldiers... I cannot feel right as king if I do not support you directly."

Jean-Nine clenched his fist, shaking. "We haven't been in the dark about what's been happening back at the kingdom either. More property damage to terrorists... the kaiju attacks, these attacks at home, they have to be connected."

Ginga shook his head. "I know you want to blame the Victorian Kingdom for this. As your friend, I cannot permit that kind of scapegoating within the borders of my kingdom until I see solid evidence that they are behind it. I do not see evidence that they are behind it, despite the lingering thoughts within the kingdom think..."

"You're naive! They're taking advantage of your good nature to do this, because they know you won't immediately blame them! You said it yourself, even the damn citizens knows that they're doing this." Jean-Nine slammed the table and sighed. "Look, I know it's your kingdom and your style of leadership. But I wouldn't want to be taken advantage of so easily and get played for a fool. We can't take this anymore."

Ginga sighed and held the top of Jean-Nine's hand. "You are one of my long time friends. I understand that you care about me and my kingdom. Despite the acts of evil upon my kingdom, I have no reason to believe that Victory's kingdom is acting upon it. If it were my citizens doing that to his kingdom, I surely would have them reprimanded."

Jean-Nine pulled his metallic hand out and began to leave. "Ginga, I know you're the best of us, and that you want to believe in the good of everyone. But at some point, not even you can look past acts of evil and reasonably explain it." He lifted his other hand and made his gun return to pad mode. "I can't keep being in a field commander. You need to appoint someone else to manage all this. It's wearing me down too much."

Ginga walked forward to stop Jean-Nine for a bit longer. "Do not worry. I have something in preparation of war, and also someone in mind who can do your job more than adequately in your place. It is one of my knights in reserve."

Jean-Nine turned his head. "I'm glad to hear that you aren't as naive as I thought you were. All the knights train their skills harder and harder every day, as do I. I shall continue to do so, but I trust that you have a worthy replacement."

"I have two more favors to ask though... please remain as my field commander for just a bit longer. I have a task in mind for this knight. It won't take too long."

Jean-Nine turned his head back, accepting it silently. "Very well. You'll have a public word about what's going on, right? What's your other favor?"

"I need you to meet with me afterwards so you can meet your successor. The legendary Mechanical Shooter Knight can't step down honorably without meeting him." He laughed a little bit, still not used to referring to his knights by their unique titles, but quickly returned to being serious. "I need you to stand guard outside the main lab for the final phases of the project I tasked Hikari and Taro with. I shall be in an incapacitated state during that, and I trust you are powerful enough to intimidate, or if necessary, fight off any invaders."

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