King Victory

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Victory sat on his throne, pensive. His kingdom had been in a slow, uncomfortable decline for many years, and everyone could feel it, but never said it. The distinct lack of Legendary Heroes residing in his kingdom did not help matters in the slightest. 

Jugglus Juggler, one of his most daring advisors, knelt down and spoke, breaking the silence. "Is something bothering you, my lord?" He kept his Serpent-Hearted Blade sheathed on his side, looking up.

"You know what's wrong, Juggler!" He fired a blast of energy from his hands, sitting back down and composing himself. "Even some of the citizens are considering moving to Ginga's kingdom."

Juggler cut the blast in half with his sword and pointed his blade. "Calm yourself, my liege." He sheathed his blade back, crossing his arms. "I've heard through various sources that Ginga is preparing a weapon. For what purpose, we do not know. But..." He held up one finger. "This may be a great opportunity for us. Intel has told us he is unavailable for direct defense. We may be able to take his weapon for ourselves if you seize this opportunity to do so."

"And why should I listen to this scheme of yours this time? How would trespassing on his kingdom and trying to steal something that may not even exist benefit us? Do enlighten me." Victory was more than annoyed, to say the very least.

Juggler kept his arms crossed. "The weapon does exist." He took a picture out, showing a graph. "Tregear detected spikes of impure Victorium energy right at the Galaxian Kingdom. The kind that's weaker than the type from our kingdom. If they're working with it, they must be making a new power source, or they're more likely than not, weaponizing it."

"The one resource that keeps my kingdom afloat. They're even using that? I have enough reason now." Victory stood up, placing on a cloak. "They're likely using these experiments to prepare for use against our homeland. I must prevent that. I must enforce security myself." 

Juggler cracked his own neck twice. "I would advise taking a small squad to do it. But I know you're able to handle yourself. Just don't alert too many people."

Victory sighed and attached a detector to his wrist. "If you didn't give such good advice sometimes, I would've fired you already." He flew into the air, preparing to find whatever the intel brought him.

Juggler leaned on a nearby pillar as he watched the king leave. "Maybe you should've fired me at this point." He tapped his head onto the pillar four times and then left for his own mysterious affairs.


With his cloak on, Victory looked like any other citizen in Ginga's kingdom and not himself. He approached Ginga's residence, a quite ornate place much like his own palace. As he approached it, he noted the rumors that had been spreading about his kingdom sending terrorists to attack. "Tch... as if I'd ever do that. They don't know that my kingdom has been attacked too." After a period of time, he approached two guards standing at the entrance, and grabbed their arms. 

Before the guards could resist him, they had fallen under his dark illusion and returned to relative normalcy, ignoring his presence going past them, very much like a ghost. 

Even though Victory could freely walk around the palace, he still had to be careful. He knew many powerful beings were inside, and made sure to keep a lookout for anyone who may correctly identify him as an intruder. In this case, he suppressed his own energy signature so he would be more inconspicuous to sensors. He walked past a room to find it empty, and figured it was Ginga's personal room, and he heard sounds of what seemed to be training. Giving into curiosity, he went to investigate, and saw Geed training with Cosmos and Leo. Seeing her reminded him that he was in fact, quite lonely. He figured he had the time to, so he decided to watch.

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