Cyber Knight X

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Without much detail, Ginga had announced to the rest of his kingdom that they had been invaded by Victory, and that he urges them to take arms. What was on his mind though, was the new ace knight he has in mind. He returned to his rooms, glad Jean-Nine could meet with him. "I apologize for anything that may have happened while I was gone that you could not solve. This was... unprecedented to say the least."

Jean-Nine nodded. "I also apologize for the lack of reliable security on my part. It was my duty to do so, but I couldn't fulfill it."

Ginga shook his head. "Well... no matter. It's happened. We'll have to make do with what we have. Jean-Nine, I would like for you to meet your successor. X, come on in."

Jean-Nine was taken aback. "X? As in, the rookie? He's my successor?"

X came in and reached out his hand. "Glad to meet you, Mister Jean-Nine. I have big shoes to fill, don't I?"

Jean-Nine shook his hand. "Yes, indeed you do. Such a young mind taking my place, I can't say I'm not surprised, though. Someone like you is a real refreshing change to the ranks."

Ginga laughed. "Oh, he's not succeeding you just yet. I have a task for him and I think it'd be best to have your input on it while you're still here."

X took his hand off. "A task? Mister Ginga, I'll be glad to do anything. No matter what it is." X looked up idealistically at Ginga and back to Jean-Nine.

Ginga crossed his arms. "I know I have just recently obtained a new power. I wish for you to do the same." He noticed Jean-Nine and X both listening in anticipation. "X, you possess an object of Ultraman's. Directly granted to you in particular. That means more than my word, surely. What were you entrusted with?"

X took the X Beta Capsule out of his pocket. "What I was entrusted with... even though I'm not the king like you, I was entrusted by him with the future, with uniting everyone... I don't know what he meant by that, but Mister Ultraman really trusts me with it. So... I'll try to the best of my ability to fulfill his wishes."

Ginga nodded. "I know what Ultraman sees in you. That is why I am entrusting you with this mission. I want you to go to R'lyeh, and find the ancient power."

X was shocked with this. "Of all places you could've sent me, R'lyeh?! Not even you have went there and came out without at least getting severely injured..."

Jean-Nine gulped. "Ginga, are you sure you should send him there? Neither kingdom has sent knights there without them disappearing or coming back just to die. This is dangerous, even if you sent all your best knights and went with them. He's right, this is insane."

Ginga sighed again. "I know this is crazy. But X... you are better than I am by a long shot. If anyone can obtain the ancient power, it's you. Because you share the greatest light of any of us. If anyone can get in there and get out alive with that power, it's you."

X gripped his Beta Capsule in his hand. "I won't let you down. Both of you. Mister Ginga, Mister Jean-Nine... just knowing that both of you are counting on me is enough. Even without the rest of the kingdom depending on it. I know Mister Ultraman depends on me, too. That's why I accept this mission."

Jean-Nine thought to himself. "X, are you sure? I mean, I respect your guts a whole lot. But someone as powerful as Ginga got hurt real badly in R'lyeh. Are you absolutely, 100% sure? You shouldn't just sacrifice yourself like that with no reason"

X nodded. "I'm sure of it. Because I am trusted. I can't let that trust in me be a complete lie. I am willing to fight for that trust. I am willing to die for that trust. I'm not even the strongest, or the most powerful,  but I'm willing to put everything I have on the line for what I believe is right."

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