Fusion Sorcerer Orb

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Meditating on top of a mountain, Orb was using his abilities to sense energy all around the world. He twitched, sensing a visitor, one that he didn't want around at the moment. "What is it, Juggler? You don't make time to come up here unless you want something." He opened his eyes and stood up to face his friend.

Juggler laughed, keeping his arms crossed and letting his cloak flow in the wind. "Don't be like that, Orb. I'm your friend. Don't always assume the worst of me. I'm just here to tell you about something Tregear is doing."

Orb held his hands out in front of himself, his right hand glowing blue and his left hand glowing yellowish gold. "I am the greatest sorcerer to have lived. Whatever trifles of science there are, it shouldn't matter to me. There are bigger things in the world that I have to attend to. Did you know that a portion of Tiga's power has left R'lyeh? That means someone managed to clear the trials. And that portion of power didn't go towards the Victorian Kingdom."

Juggler scratched the side of his head. "You're always so damn wordy. You tell me the rest of your news first. Get all those thoughts out of the way so I can tell you what made me come up here. And no, it's not about my apprentice if you wanted to ask. And don't start explaining how you can do things again. That annoys me so much."

Orb formed cards of Ultraman and Tiga in his hands. "By converting the cards I have into spiritual sensors, I can detect where traces of their power go, and I can detect them in different wavelengths, to put it in a somewhat scientific term." He found muted amusement in annoying Juggler. "What's concerning me is that there are large spikes of power through Taro's and Tiga's channels, and a bit in Belial's and Ultraman's as well. Doesn't take a psychic to infer where they came from or are going to."

"Tch... you know what, this may be a good transition into my news. I know you helped Tregear with his thing earlier. You wield unusually pure concentrations of energy that don't come from you. You know what you were doing when you put some of your energy in those weird crystals, right?" Juggler tapped his foot on the spot he was standing.

"Yes, it was a new system based on me and my powers. The people we descend from also have a higher affinity towards those kinds of powers. What, did Victory select a few candidates for that yet?" He put his hands down and turned his head away from Juggler.

"Tregear broke the seals on the pieces of Maga-Orochi that we sealed away that long while ago using the energy you gave him, and inserted them into some kaiju. I think he put one of them into a robot." Juggler looked quite bored for the news he was disclosing, and tapped the scar on his chest. "By the way, you couldn't have stopped Maga-Orochi without me there. I got this because of that fight."

Orb's head snapped to face Juggler. "What? Does he not realize the calamity that may fall upon this world if the pieces of Maga-Orochi combine back together? I sealed away the Orb Calibur for that. Did he unseal that, too?"

Juggler held up his finger. "That was the one part he couldn't figure out how to crack. Fortunately. Though, he did figure out something else." Juggler intentionally withheld a certain fact about the weapon, as he wanted Orb to deal with the monsters first, and knew he would prioritize the kaiju first.

"Never mind that. Where are these... these Maga Monsters? How many of Maga-Orochi's powers are they developing from the pieces?" Orb looked up and cycled through the powers he had. "If I'm correct about this... I can use these powers to destroy the monsters and stop Maga-Orochi's second revival, whether he knows it'll happen or not."

"Since you enjoy explanations so much..." Juggler poked a little fun at Orb even if it was an inappropriate time to do so. "...Tregear of course started this because of an experiment. He wanted to make what essentially are more living weapons from other beings, and he did this through giving the Orochi parts to them, and making them take on the assigned element more strongly."

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