Taiga & Tri-Squad

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"Alright, Titas! Fuma! Show me what you've got, my buddies!" The fiery Taiga stood in his battle pose, facing the two best friends he had. He laughed, feeling quite exhilarated. His horns flared with fire, releasing excess energy.

Titas kept his hands on his sides and flexed his muscles that way. "I am quite prepared to show you the fruits of my training." He pumped out his chest, and a sound almost like the sound of a whip cracking could be heard just from that action.

Fuma kept his arms crossed. He had always been cold even since before joining the others, but he still liked their company, even though he never really showed it or will show it. Though, he showed visible annoyance at the term 'buddies'. "Come when ready." A strong wind blew, flickering and shimmering with the flow of wind.

Right as Taiga was about to charge forward with a shout, his Taiga Spark blinked red with six pulses. "My father's sign across this channel... this is an emergency. Tch, we were just getting to the good part, too. Guys, let's go." He turned around and was about to fly off to where his residence was, but stopped at the sight of Ginga, his blue lights illuminating his shadow. 

"You must be wondering how I know your father's personal signal, Taiga. You were right, however. This is indeed an emergency." He leapt down and revealed his new look, seeming to have taken some of Taro's own traits, and a small bracelet on his arm. "I wouldn't come here personally otherwise." 

"Really? What happened, Mister Ginga?" Taiga crossed held his hand on his chin in thought, wondering what could've warranted the king visiting him and his friends in person. "We've been here for a long while, training under dad's word. How long has it been?"

"You've been training here rigorously for about two years. I assume you don't know what's going on, since Taro needs some rest after the test with Hikari and I. In short, a war is about to break out. I'm not asking you to deal with that right now, but something else has transpired. While leaving the castle, Cosmos and Leo were both attacked after their latest lessons."

Titas approached the king. "What? Master Leo and Master Cosmos were both attacked? Who dares assail them so?" He thought alongside Taiga.

Fuma shimmered into place next to Taiga. "The life link between Cosmos and Justice isn't exactly a secret. I take it that they incapacitated him and Leo fought them off without seeing their face? It'd make sense to take out two rather than one."

"That is... exactly it. You're very sharp, Fuma. Have these two been accommodating you well? Are there any issues?" Ginga looked at Fuma's face and got back on topic. "But yes. Cosmos suddenly had his timer cracked in half with elemental residue of a couple different kinds around him."

Titas offered his own insight. "Normally, elementally aligned beings only lean towards one element, unless they are just that powerful, as the Victorian Sorcerer Orb is. Or more likely... the elemental order of the assailant was forcefully modified. If events have transpired as was said..."

Taiga nodded. "Right. So that means we're needed to step in. We trained as your knights, Mister Ginga. We'll be glad to work with you." Soft orange flames flared from his horns, indicating his unshakable will and inner desire to help.

"It was of Leo's personal report that there was only one criminal. Further evidence showed that the attacks were highly out of balance, in other words, out of control. That was why Leo could fight them off and make them run." Ginga crossed his arms. "Even though this is a powerful being we're dealing with, once they become stable, they will be even more of a threat. It would be too straining on my other allies to focus on catching this one criminal, so I called upon you three to help, since you all have the skills and powers right for the job."

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