Mercenaries - R/B

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"Great, was it?" A red figure kicked him down. "They call you the Burning Knight. I think that's quite misleading. My fires are far more powerful than yours." He was messing around a bit, then holding up his hand to show a flame. "Well, clearly you put up a fight, so you aren't a fraud. At least you didn't make this boring."

"I know there's another one. Neither of you will get away with this forever, R/B. You two have been taking down people with high positions for money, haven't you? And it's almost the start of a war. Too convenient, don't you think?" Despite being battered, Great still had his fighting spirit.

"Don't make it sound so dirty. Business is business. If you don't mind, I'd like to have your timer in one piece. And plus, there isn't two of us. There's three. Nothing much so far has warranted Grigio to come out." He stomped on Great's arm. "The rest of your body however, our clients have no qualms about me breaking a bit."

"You always say 'don't make it sound so dirty' yet you do and say things like that. The job's always tolerable until this exact part." The blue figure stepped over Great's other arm, consciously deciding not to attack him like this. "You just love hitting them when they're weak, huh? I at least have some sense of honor with these jobs."

"Who the hell needs honor when we'll get lots of money for this? Grigio can live the normal life we never could. She could even live a luxurious life. We've been doing this for quite a few years and you still care about honor?" He kneed Great's chest. "Thanks for having such a convenient shape for your timer. Makes it easier for me."

"This won't go unnoticed. The Victorian Kingdom will make you repent for this." His timer was pulled and it was almost as if a switch was turned off. His eyes went dark, and the colors on his body faded.

"An anonymous source hired us from either one of the kingdoms. Oh, you can't hear me." He began to walk away. "We'll be long gone by the time this is linked back to us. He'll live."

"Come on, if you won't set a good example for little sis. A good life means nothing to her if she doesn't know how to act good, even with a job like ours." Blu turned back to where he walked out from, his meek little sister watching from behind a pole.

Rosso scoffed. "Well, you handle her growing up then. As much as I care about her, you can't keep pampering her. She has to be ready to fight at any time. She'll become a target."

"That's exactly why I'm teaching her to be calmer. We don't want her having an outburst and hurting anyone else. That'd put a lot of unwanted attention on us, and especially her. Nobody notices us now except for our clients, and I'd like to keep it that way." Blu patted Grigio on the head and held her hand. "It's okay. You'll be safe."

Grigio hopped onto Blu's back and began to fall asleep on his shoulders. She really felt protection with him, though it was hard to tell what kind of power Rosso implied she had.


Rosso went to a designated meeting spot and put Great's timer down on the table, Blu and Grigio waiting outside. "Where's our pay? Hurry up, so we can finish the other jobs you have for us."

The shadowy figure nodded and slid over money, speaking with a distorted voice. "You're doing it cleanly this time around, huh? You must really be desperate for pay. Here's your next job, then." He slid over a picture of what looked to be Orb.

"So, you want us to kill our own bloodline now, huh? What kind of photo editing did you do on this? There's too much black and red. You're really taking me for someone stupid now?" Rosso crossed his arms, a little heated.

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