Wrecking Princess Geed

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After finishing the training session, Geed went to visit Hikari's lab. She stretched and entered suddenly. "Heya, Hikari!" She announced her presence proudly, laughing a little bit.

Hikari jumped, scared by Geed suddenly entering his lab. He patted his own chest to calm himself down. "My word, Queen. You shouldn't do that, especially since I've become especially paranoid about my technology getting stolen. I could've shot you with my beam on accident."

"Speaking of, are my new Power Capsules  done yet? I've been without my Riser for a bit. The training was pretty nice." She crossed her arms, looking around, but not touching anything.

"The Capsules are nearly finished. I just have to watch the automatic calibrations and make adjustments to their outputs if I need to." He tapped some screens and brought up several animated charts and graphs. "This is probably the biggest breakthrough I've ever had. So I thank you for your express permission to do this."

"Oh, no worries. It was Ginga who brought it up to me, and I figured I'd need an upgrade to keep up with the evolving days and ages. My usual fighting style can't be used for every one of my battles ever." She looked at the charts, not exactly understanding what all the complex numbers and code meant. 

"Don't bother trying to read anything. There's a code on them that makes it so that only I can read it. As smart as you all are, it'll take ages to collectively decode one line. I'm the only one in known existence who can crack it, because I made it. That isn't arrogance speaking, it's fact." He perfectly understood what looked liked garbage in text form, though the charts were just there for others' convenience and not his own.

"Didn't think of using it earlier?" Geed held her hands on her hips. "Try putting those kinds of passwords into your doors, you know?"

"If I was in charge of making passwords for doors everywhere here, I'd be constantly going in and out of the lab because Ginga was locked in another room. For efficiency's sake, I had to sacrifice some security to do so." Hikari continued monitoring the capsules. "Yes, the fatal flaw in our security is that I couldn't be bothered to set anything since I'd be the only one who could unlock anything. Nobody and nothing can replicate my thought patterns."

"So, smart guy, how did you make the capsules usable for me? Did you just replicate whatever secret code there was and replace it with the other DNA samples you got?"

"In normal terms, yes." He looked down and dragged other graphs up in front of himself. "This process is usually dull, even for me, and it notifies me if anything's going wrong. So far, nothing is going wrong. I'd like to hear a story. How about the story of you and Ginga meeting?"

"Ah, that story... I don't know. It was when we were just teenagers, that was our first meeting." She scratched the back of her head. 

"Well, start it however you want. I don't normally listen to stories, I'd like to observe this." He closed the screens and turned to Geed.

"Well, get ready. Here we go!" Geed breathed in, ready to start the story.


Geed's teenage years. She was sweet and kind, almost the spitting image of what one would think of a princess as. Except, she was very violent and rowdy in fights, almost a completely different person. "Think I can't fight because I'm smaller than you, huh Scott?" She threw a punch as her finishing blow, charging her hand with a burst of red energy.

Scott fell back, being a bit taller than the rest of his peers, Geed included. He held his side, groaning from the injury he sustained, this one being a broken rib. He wheezed and medics brought him away to an infirmary. 

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