Untitled Knight Z

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"Yes... that's right. Tregear is for the most part, not a threat. Victory... we'll deal with him later, as planned. There is no need to worry." Juggler kept his arms crossed as he was speaking with a shadowy figure.

"We have measures against the Galaxian Kingdom in place. Soon, all the pieces will fall together." The hologram flickered. "History shall favor us. Everything ends in absolution."

"Everything ends in abs-" Juggler was about to conclude the meeting, but heard someone outside and turned his head. "Tch... he's back this early?" Juggler turned back. "Everything ends in absolution. This is going faster than planned. I think you better step it up." He immediately ended the call and went to his door.

"Master Juggler! Master Juggler! I'm done! I want to do lots more training!" The eccentric being was none other than Z, who had brought groceries from the literal other side of the kingdom for Juggler, and dropped them by his feet. 

Speaking in a different way than he did with anyone else, Juggler patted Z on the shoulder. "Nice work, kid. You really did that fast." He tossed Z a strange device and some medals. "You're in luck if you want to do some more training. Come on, let's go now."

Z caught the device and saw that it was inscribed with his name. "Ultra wonderful..." Taking a look at the medals, he nearly dropped what he was holding. "Y-you're really letting me use the powers of legendary heroes? Who made this? It looks like a weapon..."

"Victory did. That's why I also have my own." He held his own Riser, then making it disappear into thin air. "It's a weapon as much as it is a tool to enhance your abilities. With the rate you're growing, you might be able to gain a title soon. This is just to speed things along, since they'll be needing more forces quite soon."

"Ultra cold! I'll be able to take on absolutely anything with this!" He was violently bouncing up and down in excitement, as he had figured that becoming stronger and more renowned was the best way to meet his heroes who all have that status.

"Cold...?" Juggler had never gotten used to Z's manner of speech. He would rather Z didn't add 'Ultra' to the beginning of most adjectives he spoke, but he found him quite endearing, which is why he was the only one out of anyone who he would allow to study under him. Z's drive was certainly something that was shared by others, but Juggler saw much more potential in him than the riffraff. "...say, let's find a strong monster for you to fight. How about something in the forests?"

Z stopped bouncing. "The forests? There's a lot of ultra creepy monsters there. But if you're with me, I have nothing to fear, because you're the strongest there is!"

"I'm not totally invincible. But you're right, I'm the strongest there is." Juggler cocked his head. "Well? We can't kill too much time. Let's go."


"Stay quiet, Z. The one that dwells around this area can turn itself invisible. The forest is a great place for it to hide and catch its prey. You'll become its prey if you don't follow my instructions." Juggler drew his sword. "There's a whole colony of them around here. I just want you to defeat one, and the test concludes."

"ALRIGHT! I'LL TAKE ON ALL OF THEM!" Z didn't follow instructions and alerted his position, probably to every other living thing in the forest. Of course acting how he thought a hero would act, he drew his own Riser. "Chant my name! Ultraman Z!" He took three random medals from his pocket and threw them in, then sliding them over an indicator circle.

Juggler threw his sword up into the side of a tree and jumped onto it, crouching. "In one ear and out the other. That's how he is." He expected Z to be arrogant and didn't really believe he needed to step in, especially with what kind of power he sensed.

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