The New Kid

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"Phi, look! There is Phalaenopsis Amabilis too!", Win pointed to a beautiful purple orchid near where they're standing.

Win has been running around and pointing different type of plants since they reached the plantation. That afternoon they went around the property like promised and War once again was amazed with how huge the whole Wong mansion is. From the front door of their house they need a golf cart to fully explore the property.

The house itself has 2 floors and a basement. The second floor was the living area for the main family member, War and Win's room also on the second floor, Mrs. Rosa's room, Yin's room, a library and Mrs. Rosa's office are also on the 2nd floor. The first floor is where the living room is, the recreational area for when there's a gathering, the staffs living quarters and a huge kitchen. War's eyes practically glow when he saw how huge their kitchen area was as he loves to cook. The basement is where the fun stuffs are, there is mini theater, mini arcade and game area and a mini wine cellar. Yin's late parents apparently build this area for when their only son wants to bring friends over but seems like he doesn't have that many friends to begin with.

Moving out from the house, from the front gate there are various type of gardens, vegetable gardens, flower gardens, a field, a swimming pool, mini golf course, a whole parking lots for expensive cars, quarter of it belongs to Yin, and a huge plantation behind their house, which where they're currently stopped at.

Win was still going on his little exploration and War couldn't help but stared in amusement. He then glanced to Yin who's standing silently beside him. Yin did a great job showing them around their property, he's polite and decent but War couldn't help but notice how cold and indifferent he is.

Today wasn't their first meeting, in fact they've met in funeral home, for the victim of the plane crash. Yin's parent, the third generation of Wong family sadly were among the passengers of that plane. War saw him there for the first time because he couldn't ignore the crowd that had been gathered around him and his grand mother that day.

Win had been grumbling about how cold he was since they met but War couldn't help feeling sorry for the boy. Unlike him and his brother who doesn't have to meet anyone's expectation, Yin was different. He's the heir of giant family business and after his parents death he's being thrown to an early preparation to continue the legacy as his grand mother couldn't be the boss for long.

It must be hard on him.

"This is the last place of the property so feel free to roam around a little more", Yin suddenly said, startling War a little bit.

"I'll be going back to the main house on foot now so take the golf cart when you're done later, you know the way right? It shouldn't be hard", Yin turned to War.

War could only nodded, Yin's presence was always intimidating and the way he talks in monotone didn't help his case either.

"Okay, see you later"

"y-yeah, see you later", War said the last bit of his sentence in a whisper as Yin already walked away.

What a mysterious boy.


That night Mrs. Rosa ended up not being able to join them for dinner, even though War had been persistent on making the menus himself as a thank you. Mr. Kla said that he'd save one portion to heat up later so Mrs. Rosa can try War's cooking. War didn't have the chance to ask about the reason why he's also adopted yet.

War also a little bit surprised that Yin joined them to eat dinner considering how he was the first time they met. The dinner table was a little bit awkward that night if not for Win's snarky comments here and there to the point where War had to pinch his nong's leg to make him shut up. But according to Mr. Kla, Yin always comes down to eat dinner together, that's how he grew up.

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