The Turning Point

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The countdown before the race was especially nerve wracking, but nothing beats the whole time War had to witness the race. Beside him, Prom held a communication device so War could hear every single thing that the chief and Yin said to each other from their wireless.

"Yin calm down, that was too sharp"

"Yin calm down"

"Sharp turn ahead, calm down"

That was all the chief said all throughout the race, telling Yin to calm down. Yin didn't say anything outside 'yes' and 'sorry' until the last few laps of the race. Prom and Ohm were far too relaxed in War's liking, watching Yin race but Yin indeed has been leading until half of the total laps.

The next sharp turn, Great took the lead from Yin and leapt ahead. Leaving Yin behind. That's when the chief started to get chatty. Yin this, yin that, yin calm down, War heard all of it. Still, Yin couldn't take the lead back until his calm composure finally break.

"Oh for fuck sake!", Yin cussed through the wireless after another failed attempt of taking over.

Prom and Ohm who had been listening to their conversation were stunned at first before snickering at each other.

"Oh man, this is gold, I wish I've recorded that", Prom laughed.

"That was a strong use of fuck", Ohm also laughed beside him.

War stared at them confused, what's so funny about Yin losing it in the race?

On the last lap Yin already determined to win and he finally got the lead back on the first turn.

"Take that motherfucker", he cussed again before stepping on his pedal and sped up, not giving any chance for Great to catch up.

Beside him Prom and Ohm were hooting and laughing hearing their usual cold indifferent friend losing composure like this. War also could hear the chief laughed before telling Yin to focus so he could secure his victory.

War should know that everything's fine already but he couldn't be at ease until he see Yin's car passed the finish line. The cheers that erupted when Yin did come out as the winner were loud and War unconsciously let himself fall deeper into his chair and buried his face in his hands.

"You don't have to be so tense, Yin always race better when he's irritated because that's the only time he'll have the gut to take risky actions", Prom said "as you can see, he's fine and won"

"I wonder what did Great say to him in the beginning to make him this worked up", Ohm laughed, standing up so they could greet Yin at the pit.

"Let's go down to greet him yeah?", Fluke said already having his arm around War, sensing his distress.

"I'm gonna ask for a victory meal, let's get down", Bever said trying to light up the mood.

War nodded to that. He felt grateful really for both Bever and Fluke for at least be his moral support. He glanced down on the way out of the VIP box and saw Yin got out of his car and took off his helmet. He looked physically exhausted but there was a little smile on his face.

When War arrived at the pit he couldn't see Yin because he was surrounded by so many people who were congratulating him. Thanks to both Prom and Ohm's presence people were noticing and made way for them to walk. When War did see Yin he already face to face with Great in front of him.

"I won, you lose, so you better keep your words", War could hear Yin said.

Great was obviously frustrated because he lost but he wasn't the kind of man to back down from his own word so he solemnly nodded.

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