First Four Days

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War was glad he decided to tag along with Yin that Sunday afternoon. He was pretty much enjoying his ice cream waffle desert at the cafe he's been wanting to check out. It's exceeded his expectation so far, the atmosphere, the food, everything was bright and cheerful and it made him happy. Well, the person who took him there might be half the reason why everything tastes sweet. Maybe more than half the reason.

"You like sweet things that much?", Yin asked, sipping on his iced chocolate. The only menu in that cafe that suited his preference.

He made a face when War scooped a whole waffle covered with ice cream and chocolate syrup. Yin wasn't exactly a fan of sweets.

"What? Sweets makes me happy", War said while eyeing Yin's plain ice chocolate "beside, your order is as predictable as ever"

Yin chuckled seeing War happily eating his dessert. Well he couldn't complain because this is the first time he'd ever taken someone to sweets cafe or anywhere at all. While it's true Yin had some errands that needed to be done, it was also because he needed those as an excuse so he could take War out.

"Well scientifically, chocolate can also make you happy, I won't go on about the whole explanation but yeah, chocolate's good for you", War said again smiling while his mouth still munching on his waffle.

Yin reached out to wipe a little bit of chocolate sauce on the corner of War's lips and just licked it off his finger. Making War blushed like red boiling shrimp.

"You're awfully easy to get embarrassed", Yin said with a teasing smile.

"Shut up"

"Hey I didn't say it like it's bad, it's cute", Yin said again with stupid little smile that War had come to like.

War once again got embarrassed pretty quickly and decided to just focus on his dessert. Trying to ignore Yin's stare that didn't flatter until he finished his dessert.

They spent another hour to stroll around the big shopping center and Yin had the time of his life teasing War once he discovered how easily flustered he was. By the end of the day, despite all the teasing, War was glad he went out because that was probably the first time after a while he got to experience living as a normal 19 years old.

So, when Yin's car parked in the mansion War surprised him with a kiss on the cheek to show that he's grateful.

"Thank you for today, I'll make your favorite for dinner"

Was what he said before he went into the house, this time, leaving a flustered Yin in his car.


"Man, I'm so jealous"

Prom said, he had stopped eating his breakfast for a while now just to observed the change of behavior on his friend.

Yin turned to him after another spoonful of egg salad that War had prepared for him.

"I know right? Me too", this time it was Ohm who said that.

"What are you guys even saying?", Yin asked looking around thinking his friends were talking about someone in the cafeteria.

Prom sighed shaking his head at Yin who didn't realize anything. Yin shrugged and went back to eating his breakfast.

"Where's your boy? Didn't you guys arrive together this morning?", Ohm casually asked.

"He's got a club activity, you should know that since your fiance is the president of the club", Yin said casually.

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