The Broken Dam and The Fortress

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It was a little past seven o'clock when War arrived at the mansion. As the car he was traveling in pulled into the oversized parking lot, the sound of Yin's Porsche approached, signaling that the owner had also just returned.

"Thank you P'Kla", War thanked him, "is my little brother home yet?"

"Young master Win has been home since 6 o'clock this evening, young master War. He might be in his room", replied P'Kla.

"Good evening young master Yin, are you going to have dinner at home?", P'Kla turned to Yin who was walking from his ridiculously expensive car.

Yin looked to the right and left as if he was looking for something. "Is grandma home?"

"No young master, madam had to catch a flight to Singapore this afternoon for an urgent business trip. Madam will probably be back in two or three days.", P'Kla calmly explained.

Yin just nodded and rushed in while giving P'Kla orders

"There's a race tonight so I won't have dinner at home. is no.2 ready?", Yin asked, referring to a black Bugatti in far corner.

"Yes young master"

"Good, I'll be down in 15 min", Yin said before walking into the house.

"Of course young master"

War, who had been standing to hear their conversation, just stared back and forth, feeling absolutely dumbfounded about what they were talking about.

What race? street race? isn't it illegal? is he crazy?

"Wait, isn't street racing illegal?", War rushed after Yin into the house. He didn't really want to get involved, but damn Yin sure had an expensive and risky hobby.

"I've never participated in anything illegal, we have our own community and racing track. Everything is legal, don't be fussy," Yin said flatly.

"who's fussy!", War screamed inside his head.

"Whatever, have fun I guess," War said a little irritated. He really had to start getting used to Yin's flat and straightforward manner of speaking.

War really couldn't afford getting pissed at Yin every time he speaks.

War then walked to his room to put his bag down for a second then went straight to his nong's room without changing his clothes. He couldn't wait to hear about Win's first day at his new school. Also he's hungry so he hoped Win hadn't eaten dinner yet so they could chat while eating.

"Win, it's phi, I'm going in", War knocked on Win's door and opened the door slowly.

He peeked first and saw a mound of blankets on the bed.

"Is he asleep? even though it's still early", War said to himself.

He closed the door quietly and walked over to his brother's bed.

"Nong, have you eaten yet? How come you're already sleeping?", War patted him slowly.

No response. Maybe Win really was asleep.

"Win?", War slowly removed the blanket covering Win's body and found Win curled up, still wearing his school uniform with sweat covering his forehead.

Something was definitely wrong then. War completely gotten rid of the thick blanket, his mind started to fill with worry.

"Nong? Can you hear me nong?", War tried to shake him awake but Win only whined weakly without opening his eyes.

War touched Win's forehead with the back of his hand and his eyes widened. Win was burning up with high fever.

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