Zero O'clock

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My heart grows crumpled and my words lessen
Why the hell? I ran so hard
Oh why to me

- 00:00 (Zero O'clock) -

It was already 11, late morning and the breakfast at the counter was left untouched. None could bring themselves to eat anything after what happened and the aftermath.

Win was so angry at Yin, grandma Rosa was disappointed and War just couldn't stopped blaming himself, even though none of this was his fault.

"Tonkla any response from Yin?"

"No Madam"

"How about the investigation team that I asked earlier?"

"Yes Madam, The members have been contacted and responded. The meeting can be held this afternoon"


Grandma Rosa hasn't commented about the thread after reading it earlier, she requested an investigation team instead. The lack of comments from her made War more anxious instead of relief.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Wong", War said so quietly.

"Grandma please believe us. P'War was never in a relationship, those rumors aren't true, I know P'War isn't like that, please grandma", Win who had been holding War trying to calm him down, begged grandma Rosa, hoping she'd listen.

War's heart broke even more, seeing his little brother, "I'm sorry this is all my fault, I'm sorry"

"Wanarat Ratsameerat stop the train of thought right there. No son, none of this is your fault and didn't I tell you to call me grandma?", grandma Rosa cut War off, "Don't worry nong Win, grandma isn't stupid like ai Yin, of course I believe you two"

War was at lost of words hearing her response just now. War could tell she was irked as well, but War could see the kindness in her eyes. He felt his tears rolling down his face once again.

"Listen to me son", she sat beside War, "None of this is your fault and I never thought, not a second that any of those accusations are true. That's why I want to launch an investigation to find the culprit. You don't have to worry"

So overwhelmed with the support and understanding from the number 1 person in Wong family, War hugged her so tight while saying thank you in between his tears.

"and about Yin, I apologize in his stead, please give him time na? he'll come around", grandma Rosa caressed War's trembling back.

"How could he? I thought I could trust him", Win said, still pissed at how Yin treated his brother earlier.

"I know, let me deal with him if he's still stubborn about it, but nong," she turned to Win "if he realized his mistake and came to apologize please listen to him na?"

Win actually wanted to say no but he and grandma Rosa had grown closer since the first time he moved to the mansion and he knew she rarely sugar coat her words. So, he reluctantly nodded. He would still told Yin off tho, for hurting his brother.

"Thank you. My good boys. I promise everything will be fine"


Grandma Rosa had been instructing War to rest at home for at least two weeks while the investigation was in progress. Fluke and Bever had been visiting him every day to give him the notes and assignment that he missed. She also banned him from looking at his social media because right now, it wasn't the best place for War.

Four days had passed yet Yin hasn't come home since last Saturday. War asked Fluke if Yin still coming to his classes and Fluke said yes, though a little bit reluctant. Worried, sad and feeling deeply betrayed, War could only wait and mop in his room. Where is he now? Why hasn't he said anything? Why hasn't he talked to War despite War's constant effort to text him every day since he stormed out of the house?

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