Chapter 17

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After getting one final examination from Ichor, Kiyata was dismissed from the hospital. However, Hayato was a bit curious but also concerned after what Ichor told him privately in his office.


Hayato: What is it that you wanted to talk about?

Ichor: After doing surgery on him, I found a few things that have me rather worried.

Hayato: What is it?

Ichor pulled out small containers each holding small devices which caught his attention.

Hayato: What in the world are these?

Ichor: They appear to be some kind of device holding various purposes.  Said holding up one of the containers. As for this one, this was found attached to his heart.

Hayato: What!? Said utterly shocked. That was on his heart?

Ichor: Yes. As for the purpose of this thing, we assume it was a fail-safe should he ever disobey whoever his master was.

Hayato looked at the device as he felt utter rage at whoever was behind the device.

Ichor: As for the other devices, we have no idea what purpose they hold. Said placing the container down. They were all destroyed by his quirk which is a surprise. I never thought that his quirk would be capable of doing this.

Hayato: Have you figured out what exactly is his quirk?

Ichor: To be honest, I have no idea. Though I can tell you from what I have determined from all the testing we did.

Hayato: What exactly did you find out?

Ichor: From what I gathered, and from the test results, I believe that his quirk is a combination of electricity and beast quirk giving his appearance. As for how he acts, that would due to his beast quirk. Though, if his beast quirk in the one being the dominant one, it wouldn't be too far off that of a mating season to occur at some point.

Hayato: Mating season? That might be a rather big issue.

Ichor: However, my guess is that one of these devices might've to control his hormones, and now since that device is broken.

Hayato: He could go into heat at some point correct?

Ichor nodded in response.

Ichor: Of course with all that happened, I would suggest that you do what you can to keep him from the populous. I don't know him as long as you and the other have but keep a close eye on him.

Hayato: Alright.

Ichor: One more thing you should know, that electric power of his is something far powerful than other electric type quirks. If he was able to destroy the devices within his body from his electric quirk, that power could cause severe consequences should he uses too dangerous amounts.

Hayato: I'll keep that in mind.

Ichor sighs as he sat down in his seat.

Ichor: First this wolf boy and that other beast, I have a rather bad feeling about all this.

Hayato: I agree. Kiyata said that it was something called a Tigrex from what Midnight told me.

Ichor: Tigrex, huh. Said as he placed his hand on his chin. I may not have fighting experiences like you and the others. However, I have an extremely bad feeling that the Tigrex will not be the only monster we will see yet.

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