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Sidhart chuckled

Asad:what are we waiting for keys open the book.

Sidhart nodded and took the book and opened it.

Sid:bro what type of language is this.(he said pointing to the page)

Asad:I think it's Turkish

Var:me too.

Sid:do you both know Turkish.

Var:I doesn't know how to translate it I only know how to read it.

Asad:I know how to translate it.

Then Varun started to read.

Var:yanilsama ogesi
illuzyon ogesi cok gucludur ve daha fezla sure kullanamaz
illüzyon ogesi bir ejderha tarafından korunmaktadır. Ejderha zehraal olarak bilinir. İllüzyon elementini elde etmek için ateş piramidine
Gitmeniz gerekir.oraya biri giderse kimse geri dönmez.illüzyon elementi ile siz de su elementi elde edeceksiniz.

Sid:I didn't understand a single thing.(he said with a cute pout)

Asad:this book is written in Narnia and it is written by the great writer asil.

Sid:come to the point buddy.

Sid:we do t want the information about the book we want the information which is written in the book.

Asad smiled.asad starts to read the book.he reads the book two or three times.

Asad:so it is written about illusion element.this element is not powerful from my side but in the book it is written it's very can help us to fight enemies easily and trick them.this element is guarded by a dragon named zehraal. the element can be found in the fire pyramid.and with the illusion element you will get water element too.

Sidhart nodded.

Sid:so we will have to go to fire pyramid.

Then the book closed suddenly and went back to it's place

Asad:but we won't go there.

Var:why buddy.

Asad:going there is a great danger.and it's not a wise decision to go there.whoever goes there did not return.and we can't go there buddy.

Sid:bro sometime ps we have to face we are going there and it's final.

Var:but I think asad is right(he said stammering)

Sid:oh come on scary cats I thought atleast you will support me varun.i must say that the princess of Randland Alia is unlucky to have a husband like you.


Sid:I have my own ways(he said with a proud smile)

Asad:and why the hell you did not tell us

Var:that is because.

Sid:leave this and now come to the point.

Sid:see if I get the illusion element and the water element I will be powerful.

Sid:so we must go to the fire pyramid.

Asad:alright we will go.but I will be joining you.

Sid:actually I can go alone.

Asad and var:NO WAY WE ARE COMING WITH YOU(shouted)

Sid:alright(he sighed)

Var:but before we go to the fire pyramid we need a armour for you

Asad:exactly and I know the perfect place for that.

Asad:it's in top of the death mountains.which is guarded by a huge werewolf.

Var:so we should go to the death mountains.

Sid:exactly buddy.


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