prologue: 1 the starting piont

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It first started when i was really into finding a boyfriend but, what could you find in a girl that wears wigs and pounds of make up and draw in eyebrows i guess you could say... no one saw my natural beautie i guess i didnt think of my natural self as beautiful . I didnt wear glasses nore did i wear braces but i still consider my self ,ugly with out the fakeness.

I was currently cut off by my thoughts when the bad boy him self was talking to me .

"Move out of my seat neard!!"

Really! i put on, all this make up and dress nicely and wear a wig to be called a neard

"REALLY!" I accidentally blurted out


Oooooh shit!

"S-ss--o---rry " i suttered damn what the fuck has got in me...
Here we go again ...back to piont a. The starting piont.
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