10 game on

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I look at the girl before my eyes why in the hell would she think i raped her? this girl is fucking crazy did she not know i went crazy looking for ? dose she not know i just told her i fucking love her . but she breaks me out of my thoughts.

The gears are turning in your head huh? back to that night .Do us all a favor and never talk to me again ok?" what the hell is she talking about i never slept with her . i would have fucking remember.

" what the hell are you talking about andy?" I emphasised her name

"you really dont remember do you ?" she asked with blood shot eyes?

" No i have no fucking idea what your talking about ?"she took a seat by the swings and started to slowly swing

" it was freshmen year i lots my virginity." she gave me a sad smile " i was really into finding a boyfriend and i got so feed up with being the only girl in my group with out a boyfriend so when i got a letter from nick to meet him at his house for a costume party gosh i was so stupid... he invited me to a costume party in may..this was so important to me .but when i got there , there on only two cars and four people there the peoples names where mike, seth,nick and you i was wondering why there wasnt any people there he told me i was early and he raped me it was my first time so it hurt really bad .." she started crying" .you guys took turns then it was your turn i was already sore from the other guys so when it was your turn it fucking hurt you were drunk and didnt know what you were doing the other guys were sober so they took it light on me but you ...." she pionted at me " you were rough on me " her eyes pooring into tears " you hurt me more ways the once and you fucking love me.... get the fuck out of man ! grow some fucking balls and move on i dont fucking like you .... you ruind my life and everthing in side it.. so dont give me a any pity" i didnt notice i had a tear in my eyes i cant bealive i did that to her i need to talk to nick that shit aint cool.

I look over to the swing she was currently sitting on was empty she was walking twords the bus's

" hey were are you going andy?"

" im going back to california"

" what? no you still need to tell me 7 things about you "

" i did i told you my favorite color ,which is blue , my real name, my familys accident and other stuff." she said waving her hand like it dosnt matter.

" the color one dosnt count"

" fine then i do need to tell you 7 more facts about me dosnt mean i wanna talk to you are be your girlfriend or anything" she said while looking away with a slight pick on her cheek

she so wants me ...........

" fine with me just no that i when i say i love i mean every word and i know i would never rape you so just know once we go back to california i will talk to my friends and find out which one druged me because i will never have sex with you against your will . i want you to know that" and she grabed my hand and intwined are fingers together

and just like that i knew i would never let this girl go

she was mine

and im going to find that son of a bastered who drug me

game on bitch.


you've gotta be fucking kidding me i told reece i told him everything besides the other seven things

"we've gotta go "he says breaking my thought

" bitch" he muttered under his breath

"excuse ... me"

" not you .. i ..we have to go back to california "

"why?" i asked clearly un shure of what he was saying

" you know why"


hope guys liked the chapter!! vote/comment why he's going back to california..

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