6 your joking ?

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******Chloe flash back*****
Freshman year

Dear Chloe
You should go to this costume party at my house 1782 flight road you will love it
your close friend ,
"Oh my god chica you have to go"...my friend Claudia said in a very high pitched Spanish voice thats still ringing in my ears " why im not even his friend
" exactly he likes you chloe just go ..." i stare at her for a few moments and decided to go i was there , standing at his house i dont see many people here.., not that much cars ... i stand there in a bunny outfit a.k.a leotard i looked.. hot as i knocked on the door i see brad , reece, tyler,Andy,and mike
" hi" i said kinda worried. why was nobody there
" hey sit down your a couple of minutes early .." brad said voicing my thoughts
His hand brushed off my thigh and i atomically stand up but he grabbed me and a sharp pain on my gaw line corrupted, he had just slap me what the hell is wrong with him i get up again and he stands up and pushes me to the ground and gets on top of me and starts punching the shit out of Me i start bleeding like crazy i slowly start loosing my site and i fall a sleep with him still hitting me , my nose is shattered,my eyes are puffy with a mixture of blue and purple around the eyes, my lip is busted open, my cheeks are Swelling up and lookes like i have a stack of nuts in them " your a fucking teese did you know that "
He starts un buckling his jeans and the guys on the right are laughing and the last people i saw that night was
reece, tyler, mike,and .seth

******End of flash back*****
I almost laugh Texas really??? As we FINALLY get to his car he starts to speak
"So ..." he asked trailing off to the conversation we had 2 minutes ago
" why me ??" I asked a tear coming out of my left eye my voice cracks at the end
Fucking eye...
" the question i think you should ask is why not you i may only know you for a couple of days but i feel this strange attraction twords you" if only you knew what im really talking about.. "and i.... i ... like you i cant get you out of my head i wanted to murder tyler for touching something THAT should belong to me ONLY.and i know what kind of game your playing a love game . But im fine with that you already won but i want a twist to it.. i want 20 days with you to my self in those 20 days you tell me 10 things i need to know "
A/n: short chapter but i just thought it had to say why chloe dosnt like him comment what you think happened after the flash back.... will be posting soon

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